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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. That shit's bitchin'...
  2. He means we can't completely cut ties because we still need to transit Paki airspace to get to/from airbases inside Afghanistan to/from locations outside Afghanistan.
  3. Baseops.net post: "You fuckers will not believe where I am right now..."
  4. Chuck Norris tweet: "Long layover in Islamabad"
  5. I thought that was covered by ii.)
  6. Which one is better, Beavers or Beloved?
  7. Speaking only for my community, one Q-3 doesn't usually DQ somebody. Now a guy with "a few Q-3s" will have a tougher time getting an interview. I would think that would be true anywhere. EDIT: I don't care how big or small the picture is in your community, if you have multiple Q-3s, you're doing it wrong. 1. A "good dude" does not = a good pilot. 2. All the more reason for a unit to carefully select SEFEs and accurately document training folders and Form 8s. C. Sorry, right or wrong, life isn't fair dude.
  8. Not necessarily. They are just one of many factors that help paint the big picture. We look at every facet of a guy's career and factor in everything. e.g. Checkrides, airframe type, experiences, a check of the bro network, etc. Although earning a Q-3 or two and getting downgrades on every checkride for poor judgment and lack of SA while also scoring 85 on every open-book test won't help your chances. (Seen that interview package before, STS.) BL, there's really no one silver bullet that kills your chances. Now, to get back to the thread at hand: The Q-2 is a great technique...if you're a DB SEFE with no fucking people skills and a complete inability to make a decision. EDIT: And by "fucking people skills" I didn't mean fucking people skills.
  9. I would also add that we do occasionally send guys to PIT to be 38 instructors at Beale - maybe 1 or 2 per year. Of course, Huggy's also the guy to ask about that one. He's been to 38 PIT like 3 or 4 times now - no shit. Still refuses to get PA'd.
  10. Isn't there just a little part of you that was expecting/hoping for impact?
  11. Navy? Good luck. If it happens for you, just remember: it's still gay if you're underway. Seriously though, I know of a single seat organization that will take a look at you (STS) no matter what your qual is... (as long as you have the hours and the skills, of course)
  12. You know, binary does allow for minor/major deviations. Especially at day 269 of 365.
  13. It's the desert dude. 1, 1, 1, 1.
  14. Ya' think? Does anybody honestly believe he wasn't trying to give the crowd a show on his fini flight? While your take on senior leadership has some merit, it's not like the current risk-averse climate took hold the night before his fly-by. Seriously, he lead a four ship over a stadium full of 70,000+ people and cleared the score board by 50'. Either he knew what he was doing and said "Awww, the hell with it...", or he's a moron. The latter doesn't seem likely, given his career to this point. What a waste. Talk about burning a bridge... Actually, that would be hypocrisy.
  15. That's what I was getting at.
  16. Hey, it's not gay if you're underway. Oh wait, they were on land... Seriously though, are they investigating the fact that they're gay or the fact that they were in bed together? I'm pretty sure the Navy would also call it "unprofessional conduct" if they found a male and female in bed together.
  17. Charlie Sheen quote generator. I'm high on a little drug I like to call 'Spoo'. WINNING!
  18. The U-2 he flew over the USSR hangs in the Air & Space Museum on Smithsonian row. To the Colonel!
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