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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Awesome. Best line: "You've got to be fist-fucking me..."
  2. This is damn funny. If you haven't seen this, check it out. Sorry, I couldn't find a link to it outside FB. Favorite line: "I can't believe I'm being Chiefed at three in the morning." FB link EDIT x 4: Tried to fix my horrible grahmer (booze involved).
  3. Spoo

    New AF Motto

    Don't worry, I just put this in your forms: Sarcasm detector does not work in O-F-F mode. Better R&R that bitch!
  4. I may live in California, but this is one more reason I'll never be a resident. I hate people.
  5. Spoo

    Back Stabbing

    Shack. Every "community", for lack of a better term, has its share of unsavory douchebags who are only out for themselves and should not be trusted. It's been my experience though that these ass-hats are usually PID'd by nine out of ten of his coworkers. The problem is that the one, from said ten, that doesn't get it, is usually the one that signs his PRF. No, my bigger issue is the AF's habit of putting guys into leadership positions because they've "checked the boxes". Garnering the respect of their peers, possessing real leadership ability, or having developed a real set of social skills, seems to count for nought. But I digress...
  6. Dang, after reading all the replies I'm tempted to go back and read the article. EDIT: Wait, you dredged up a five year old editorial piece from some ex-army Intel guy praising the USMC and ripping the AF with little relevance in the current pol/mil landscape? Nevermind...
  7. A number of questions come to mind when reading this asinine blanket statement: WTF? Who pissed in your Cheerios? Do you honestly think we have the time or the inclination to "crap all over you"? Feel free to stop by my office to discuss.
  8. I'd also like to comment on the creator's horrible powerpoint skills. They couldn't move the text box up into the giant space on top of the sheet thereby uncovering the Air Force Seal? And I'm not even going to mention shrinking the font to add another line to said text box thus avoiding the Gravy Ice Cream bullshit in the last line. Jesus...
  9. Please tell me you had a "Why are we here?" slide.
  10. Spoo

    Bring Back:

    Here, here...Hail Dragons! EDIT: BTW, had a wicked good time at the 55th Anniversary Reunion this weekend. In fact, I'm still not FMC.
  11. Spoo

    Bring Back:

    Not sure if you meant the weapon or the base, but both are still around. Cannon and Cannon. Yes, I generally like to wait 2-3 weeks prior to replying to a post.
  12. "DM AFB ATIS information X-ray...Use caution: personnel and microphones in vicinity of Taxiway Charlie..." BTW, I can't believe that dude wasn't hit by the A-10. No reflective belt.
  13. First, I repeat: . Second, mixing the "core values" into your tune puts you right up there with TIB. The whole thing wreaks of "Oh yeah mainstream modern day AF airman, you don't like TIB?!? Well, check this out!" My two favorite parts: A) The guy taxiing the A-10 by the guy singing. Seriously? B) The U-2 scenes.
  14. I don't know if this should be filed under "WTF?" or "Awesome!". BTW, It's not the kids who should be jumping in the castle...
  15. Wait, I thought he was a pilot. No, my bad, he's a pirate. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ZING! (Sorry, it's a four day weekend and I'm on my second martini.)
  16. Yeah, damn. Nasty shit. Based on his photo, I bet all the chicks he hooked up with were crazy hot.
  17. Based on queep level, I'd go with: D) None of the above
  18. Spoo

    Bring Back:

    Bring back Navs. Nah, just fooling.
  19. Heard about this on the radio this morning. I'll resist making a joke about coffee creamer. Linky EDIT: NO CONNECTION WITH MY NAME. Beat you to it, bastards.
  20. So you read one article and now you're questioning the validity of this thread? I have never had the pleasure of being even remotely exposed to the shenanigans outlined in this thread, (unless seeing a few crappy A-farts commercials counts), so I'm not really qualified to pass judgement. He might be a great guy for all I know. However, multiple pages of negative stories from what are likely honest, upstanding fellow airmen combined with the opinions/experiences of peers who have served under him tip the scale in the other direction. So....unless everybody decided to gang up on this guy for no apparent reason, my instincts tell me he probably wasn't the highest caliber leader/GO. In short: I don't know him, but he sounds like a douchebag.
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