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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Beat me to it. You know what they say, "Not all gay guys are flight attendants, but all male flight attendants..." (My apologies to the straight male attendants, all three of you.)
  2. Damn, that makes it all the funnier. Time to reread with new perspective.
  3. Wow. Favorite line: Oh, of course.
  4. Dork makes the claim that his wife is hot, but provides no visual evidence. I'm skeptical.
  5. Huggy's right. Immediately following the incident, Roush said he was trying to go around. It was likely an attempt to salvage an overshooting approach and a late decision to go around. Numerous folks who've been given the same pattern/landing instructions usually reply with an "unable" and demand 36 or overflight of 09/27. Glad the only fatalities were the jet and his pride. I mean it's one thing to stall your jet in, but to do it show center at Oshkosh...ouch. EDIT: FWIW, after the a/c came to a stop, I distinctly remember one or both of the engines being at or near full power (at least that's what it sounded like to me) for approx 20-30 sec before he was able to shut 'em off.
  6. Happened right in front of us. Tower gave him a tight left base to Rwy 18, told him to keep it south of 27/09 (you'll have to look at the airfield diagram). Rolled out on final with a departing aircraft out in front of him maybe 2000' down. Started wallowing left and right, stalled, and hit rwy fairly flat. Ground looped off the right side of the strip. At least that's how I remember it. Not cool.
  7. No worries, apparently my detector doesn't work in the OFF mode. Son of a bitch, that sucks.
  8. I'm confused. Does this make the T-chicks more impressive or the Blues? Or, does it mean they can't vary up their profile or perform the same maneuvers? EDIT: My Comp sucks.
  9. Spot on - this thread is done. While I agree, the Blue Angels are more entertaining (they have better paint jobs and a damn Herk with Rockets for Christ's sake), the ultimate goal of both teams isn't to dazzle a bunch of military flyers. It's to entertain joe taxpayer and recruit some youngins. Besides, the average airshow attendee doesn't know or care that the T-chickens have been doing the same routine year after year.
  10. It's a bit of a misnomer to say it's still "in production". The last one rolled off the production line in 1946, but there's more than 1000 still flying and companies like Basler Conversions refurbish and hang turboprops on them. BTW, more than 50 DC-3s are scheduled to fly into Oshkosh this year to celebrate the aircraft's 60th anniversary.
  11. Sorry, but Huggy nailed it. I don't care what your job is. World class everything within 1-3 hours. If you haven't been here, don't talk shit. I live in the Sierras. 35 Min from Beale. 1 Hour from Tahoe. 2 Hours from Napa. 4 Hours from Yosemite. Great Flying everywhere. But, the cake-topper? The Sierra Nevada Brewery is 1.5 hours north of Beale. Best Beer west of MKE/WI.
  12. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Have to agree w/ Jarhead, good site. BTW, I've had a busy couple months. Picked up a Kimber Custom II, Taurus 856, and Ruger LCP. Gun Porn to follow...
  13. is back in the saddle.

  14. You might be right and the AF is wicked smaht, but I think it's much more simple. Big Blue wanted its own Facebook page, cuz that's what all the kids are doin'.
  15. Well, it is a pretty small and obscure show. Fucking communists. Always up for some SWAG.
  16. Oskkosh 2010. Who's in? Osama Bin Huggy and I will be there. Huggy will be the guy with the bag half unzipped showing off his Tom Selleckness.
  17. I'll admit this is a fairly weak entry in the WTF thread, but I found the camp organizer's lack of judgement impressive. So you built a camp around Michael Vick? WTF?
  18. That's how they do it in Texas.
  19. Helluva good idea. Just saw it on the TV...
  20. Yes sir. Shit's packed up (STS), movers show up tomorrow - no joke. After a little R&R in the motherland, we're there. BTW, I'm in for Oshkosh. Did I ever mention my parents live near there?
  21. Yeah, I still don't get it. (Taxi accident) + (100% on MQF Tests) = Office Space?
  22. I think he wrote Barny because it's his alias - "Barney A-10". Dang it, I missed it and he deleted it. What a vag.
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