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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Does that answer your question? (Yes, I'm pretty busy today.)
  2. I'm missing the connection between the title of this thread and its content. Anybody?
  3. I can't fucking believe you guys are talking about this in an open forum! What's the first fucking rule of Chemtrails?!?
  4. Besides, if the guy feels really butthurt about his C/S, he can usually just ask the fellas who named him to change it. Works every time. EDIT: He can try that, or just make up his own. Always loved that move...
  5. No. I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.
  6. Got it. You like to say "Got it" when you use sarcasm to express disdain for someone else's opinion. EDIT: Why does it have to say "This post was edited by Spoo..." so everybody knows I screwed up my little jab at Pawnman the first time?
  7. 2. That and "Level at Flight Level 280".
  8. Whaaat? Who, me? I was being serious, those were good responses. Much more thoughtful and organized than anything I would have to offer.
  9. Strictly speaking, he does have a point. Most 8000' x 150' runways react similarly to a/c touchdown and TACAN 69X usually behaves just like Tacan 96X. I can't tell you the number of times I've been forced to do the full procedure turn (when it wasn't for practice or a checkride). I can't tell you because I don't ever remember it happening.
  10. Look buddy, I just said I'm against taking away somebody's pension for a DUI. Since you're all up in arms over it, why don't you tell me what you'd like to see.
  11. Since my F-bomb laden post was a little much and inconsistent with my original point, I'll try again. Sorry to hear about your sister. That’s horrible. Hope the offender was dealt with harshly. We don’t “crush” just the enlisted folks when it comes to DUIs. If you get a DUI as a Lt Col, MSgt, or Maj Gen your career is pretty much over. In most cases, you’re going to get an article 15 or an LOC and you’re not going to get promoted again. If you’re beyond 20 years, you might be talking about a severe long-term financial penalty. And, as Kuma noted, this is all on top of the punishment levied by civil authorities. Look, I’m not defending drunk driving. I just don’t think there’s this awful double standard, and I don’t agree with taking away somebody's pension after an otherwise successful and long AF career, regardless of rank achieved.
  12. Full pay? Actually, an O-8 who retires in 2010 at 32 years of service will receive 75% of base pay which is $86,851/year (after taxes). A similar O-7 would receive $76,906/year. Over 30 years that's a difference of $513,422 (after taxes of course). BTW, why the quotation marks? Who said that?
  13. Jesus Christo, if you think a Two Star with 32 years under his belt deserves to be treated just like A1C Snuffy, you're fucking nuts. Quit fucking whining and grow up. He'll receive some sort of punishment from THE FUCKING CHIEF OF STAFF, probably lose a star, and be out by the end of May. God damn, how is this thread still going? I need another beer.
  14. Ok, UPT studs and AFSCs being force-shaped notwithstanding, what I said holds true.
  15. He'll probably get some form of nonjudicial punishment and will not advance further. I think that's pretty much AF standard, for any rank. However, I've never heard of anybody losing their retirement over a DUI, and I know at least a couple guys with 20+ years who've been "popped" for DUIs (they weren't Generals). Perhaps you can provide some examples. The more I think about it, if you're young enough, a DUI isn't the career-ender like it is when you're an E-6/O-4 or above. Just like everyone else who gets a DUI past 20 years of service (see above). Except not getting another star and probably retiring earlier than he had planned. What do you want to do to him? You're right, after 32 years of service he deserves to lose his retirement, forfeit his rank, and spend some time in Leavenworth thinking about where it all went wrong.
  16. He'll be out on his ass in six months.
  17. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Linky Probably take you about 2.69 hours to get there from Dover. The NRA museum is about 10 min away from the convention center.
  18. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    BIG "2" on that one. I put a couple hundred rounds through mine the other day with no hiccups. Thing drives nails.
  19. You SOB, don't EVER post another picture like that. (perhaps you could have deleted the photo to eliminate 'effect'...)
  20. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    On the topic of good ranges, thought I'd mention that I shot at the NRA Headquarters Range last Friday. No big deal. Needless to say, it's an excellent place to shoot. Slightly cheaper than the other limited options in the area. Clean, top of the line equipment. Any ammo type you can think of. Big lounge and cleaning area. My favorite part is that the 7-8 people working the range were actually friendly, very nice people. I say this because northern VA seems to have an overabundance of asshole, look-down-there-nose-at-you proprietors (Yeah, you know the type). One other plus - the National Firearms Museum is on site. BTW, the Nation's Gunshow is this weekend. Can you say new 1911?!?
  21. Touché sir. No amount of preparation will help. You start with a Q-3 and it goes downhill from there.
  22. Pussy. The night before: A drink, steak dinner, and sex (doesn't have to be with anyone else). Works every time. EDIT: Seriously, my Tweet IP gave me that bit of wisdom and it has served me well.
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