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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. It's possible eh, but I'm really not qualified to talk aboot it. Nice job on the olympics though, eh.
  2. Fenix Flashlights. I can vouch for the quality - great little lights. Look at the LD10 (120 Lumens, but uses AA batteries), TK11 R2 (small, but puts out 240 Lumens), or PD20 (180 Lumens - 1 Batt). Try this site too, more information than you could ever want. God knows how someone can spend this much time on flashlights. The main index has every light I've ever/never heard of.
  3. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Yeah, I flinched. Those guys setting her up are real brain surgeons. How do you carry, STS? Just got my CCW and I'm still trying to figure out what works.
  4. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Thanks brother - can't wait. No worries on the "plastic girl gun" thing either. I just traded my barely used Glock 19 for a new Ruger LCP. Love that little sucker, one sweet little pocket gun. You put that thing in your coat pocket, you don't even know it's there. Another extremely pressing issue for the masses: I'm thinking about a .38 snubbie revolver (after the 1911). I've got my sights set on the Taurus 856 Hy Lite - 6 Shot, very light, little gun. I've never owned a Taurus and I've read a lot of mixed reviews. Thoughts?
  5. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Sweet, thanks for the input (except the part about the Hoss sweat). It's back to a toss-up now between the SA and Kimber.
  6. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Sorry M2, didn't mean to slight you. Timbonez just seemed like the right person to ask - he's always showing off his 27 different 1911s. TB - Thanks for the great response, very helpful and definitely answered my question. It is my first 1911 and I'm leaning towards the Springfield TRP. Seems like the best bang for the buck - M2 any insight you'd like to provide would also be appreciated.
  7. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Alright Timbonez, you can probably help me out. I have $1000 to spend on a 1911, which one? I was thinking Kimber Stainless II or a Sringfield Loaded. Thoughts? Damn, nice work. Almost pissed myself laughing. But...I've been drinking.
  8. No F-ing way. Next thing I know, you're going to tell me that Elton John is gay.
  9. Three posts and no four letter words? What the shit? Even the thought "CBT" generates at least one angry "Which dumbass sonuvabitch generated this requirement?!?".
  10. Ladies and gentlmen, Joe Fuckin' Biden! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBwTEeE_RIk
  11. Nope. Loss of thrust due to uncommanded feathering.
  12. Um, don't you meaning proficiency advance this fucker?
  13. From the NY Times Business Section... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/business/22plane.html?pagewanted=1&sq=%20aircraft&st=nyt&scp=5 "Over beers at the clubhouse"?!? WTF?
  14. 2. Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, motherfucker, cocksucker, and tits. Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war.
  15. Good call. Definitely better than being the nozzle.
  16. Not me dude. I had the courtesy to start my own frivolous and irrelevant poll.
  17. Shit. I just remembered I posted this martini-fueled poll last night. I'm pretty sure "Kuma" is a reference to Kuma Beach. I'm not sure though, my recollection of Kuma's monosyllabic explanation is a little fuzzy. Oh yeah, he used to fly helos too, for whatever that's worth.
  18. Despite the fact that he only posts once a month, he knows how to cuss. Just vote yes. EDIT: He's a former Marine. Do you know how bad it's killing him to not be able to drop an F-bomb on Huggy?!?
  19. Damn. I'm sorry I missed that. NTSB Official Shiavo (thought she died a couple years ago, but whatever...) is a ra-tard. EDIT for clarity
  20. Excedrin Headache #69? EDIT: Contrail, Wow. You actually searched for a video of "man gets hit by plane".
  21. At least he's got his priorities straight.
  22. For the record, the CSAF is not an old Gunship guy. He's a Talon guy, not that there's anything wrong with that...
  23. No doubt. That shit happens all the time around here. You should see all the connections being made - it's like a damn AT&T operator's switchboard on Mother's day! I can't wait 'til I leave here - I am so hooked up! EDIT: IAAFM
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