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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Spoo


    Ugh, I just puked in my mouth a little bit.
  2. Spoo


    Same here, but I did just send the link to evrybody in the office. So that's some consolation.
  3. No shit. Who doesn't have the "big picture"? I think it's the guy who thinks we're entertained by this pack of assholes. Yes, I had to go to acronymfinder.com for YAAFM, but I got it. Apparently IAAFM.
  4. Wow, sounds like it will be a very easy and painless process. We should just bring back the old 5.25" floppy disk drives. I wish there was a way to write the way it sounded when accessing that 50k of data. Or maybe this badboy...
  5. From an undisclosed secret comm facility somewhere in the NCR: To: All HAF customers Recently, there has been buzz (bzzzzzzzzzzzz) concerning new DOD guidance allowing USB removable media devices (i.e., thumb drives) back into the network environment. The Air Force is studying the rules and information contained in the guidance regarding mandatory training, accountability, documentation, checks, auditing, and other constraints. For now, the existing policy stands: Personnel cannot use thumb drives on the HAF network. AFSPC is diligently working with the communications experts from 24th Air Force and SAF/XC staff to develop new standardized policies, procedures and controls on how the Air Force will be able to utilize thumb drive devices.
  6. Wow. I wonder why the kid thought it was a good idea to stay with the jet...other than the fact he's young, inexperienced, a student, etc. Man, when I was a stud the IP wouldn't have gotten to the second "bailout" before my ass was up and out.
  7. Dear Baseop.net, Honestly? I haven't found a website that I CAN'T access at work (no bullshit - the only sites you can't access around here involve porn). It obviously hasn't affected our productivity. Love, The Pentagon EDIT: Drunk
  8. Man, that's awkward. I always thought it was bow hunting. Damn, beat me to it.
  9. Chase plane was a Tweet out of Mather. Deuce Pilot had a seizure on the way down. Chase was trying to talk to him the whole way with no response. The power lines actually righted the aircraft. After the "landing", brother was standing on the seat when he was "egressing" the aircraft. Seat fired, flipped him over and he lands on his feet. No shit. This will be another U-2 thread before you know it! EDIT: Huggy or HiFlyer can probably add some detail to that...
  10. I believe it would qualify as a "Shart".
  11. Card carrying member of the Strato-shitters club, eh? I got close once, but it ended up being a giant fart...sort of.
  12. What an asshole. He obviously knows he's a two-seat tubby bitch (Smith, 39, originally purchased two tickets "as he's been known to do when traveling Southwest," the airline noted), but chooses to make a scene when he gets burned trying to go standby. No time for this douchebag. Clerks is still funny though... 37? 37?!? Try not to eat any Cinnabons on your way across the terminal, fatty!
  13. Spoo

    UPT packet

    2. Faster than you can say "Thread FAIL".
  14. No shit. Honestly, who reads this drivel?
  15. Wow, thanks for taking one for the team.
  16. Congrats! Run with it and DFU again. Best of luck! P.S. Don't let the shit you read on here get you down. It's a place to vent.
  17. Beer and weed will lighten the mood a bit.
  18. Bitching is all relative. You should c'mon down to the big house. Spend one week around here (or any staff job for that matter) and you'd be amazed at what your tolerance for deployed queep could be. Getting yelled at for no disco belt ON YOUR WAY TO THE JET sounds awesome.
  19. Mountainsmith Travel Trunk, probably a size large. Similar to the North Face, but tougher. I've used one for five years now and beaten the ever-loving shit out of it - still going strong. Actually, I'd recommend any of their products.
  20. CHING? That's nothing short of a ZING!!!
  21. 2, although I think you're in the clear - rac/sex/fat-ism doesn't apply here. You can't smoke on a plane because secondhand smoke is evil and gross. So is secondhand fat. You can do whatever you want to your body, just don't involve me. The second you try to defy physics and occupy the same space as me (which I payed for), I'm going to call you on it...fatty. And don't blame your "thyroid problem". Edited for coherence.
  22. Huh? Maybe I'm missing something because I'm on a Gov comp?
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