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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. I just invited everybody I know in the Pentagon.
  2. It's all relative. 25K hours on a KC-10, 25K hours on a T-38, 25K hours on an A-10, 25K hours on a U-2, 25K hours on an F-22, 25K on a C-130... All different animals. Think hours airborne, G's pulled, gross weight, touch 'n go's, altitude, pressurizing, depressurizing, cargo, no cargo, employing ordinance, length of the average sortie, etc...
  3. Kudos to Kuma...sorry, just wanted to write that. That was probably the most accurate answer and best advice you could get.
  4. USAFPilot, preach on. Saved me some thought - I was going to post something a lot shorter but with the same sentiment. I still feel inclined to comment though. On the first part: Yes, it may be easier said than done, but IT IS THAT SIMPLE. Trust me dude, you're not the first guy who's fallen madly in love with a chick that you couldn't live without. However, generally speaking, you want that chick to feel the same about you. A relationship in which the level of give-a-fuck is disproportionate (i.e. yours) is doomed. If she really cared about you, she wouldn't be giving you every reason a life with her is incompatible with your dream. "She wants to have a real relationship and not always have me gone all the time." Shit, apparently my wife and I don't have a real relationship. Seriously? C'mon bro, you're better than that. Second part: Bullshit. If you don't think you can get through it without some broad you've been dating really only a couple months, you don't want it bad enough. Besides, it may be a tough year, but it's not that bad. The more I think about it, the last thing you'll want/need is her whining about how Pensacola sucks, how much she misses NY, how she doesn't think she can do this, etc. BTW, I had a ten year off-and-on relationship with someone I thought was the end-all, be-all...manipulative bitch. A lot of what you write sounds familiar. It almost affected my career, but I eventually manned up; my only regret being that I didn't end it sooner. (I didn't marry her, thank God). PM me if you want, just use paragraphs and proper grammar. SIE IS NOT AN OPTION. Great post with sage advice.
  5. I believe 'eagle ray' loosely translated means 'homosexual ray'. ZING!!! Damn, I'm on fire today! (the fire referring to my wit, not sexual preference) Great call-out. Nice recovery.
  6. Or the couple gallons of blood sloshing around on the floor. Damn. Poor chick, I'm going to have nightmares about that one.
  7. Ok, the elevator malfunctions and takes the dude's head off. The company responsible for servicing the elevator, gave a statement Monday that said, "We are extremely concerned about this incident..." Oh, no shit huh?
  8. Failed Posts: Sirjrod00, we've been waiting for you.
  9. I was also a little surprised to see a new MAJCOM that I'd never heard of, but alas it's only some sort of Strat Airlift Capability effort. Nice try though.
  10. Well, it was supposed to be a subtle joke. 'Seriously?' in reference to the question in the original post, and then me questioning the choice of screen-name...awwww, nevermind... It made sense in my Sunday football, slightly buzzed state of mind
  11. Seriously? "Hiflyer" was taken, so you go with "Hyflyer"?
  12. 2. There's a fucking war going on and they print some garbage about dudes cleaning up their shit?!? It's cool though, apparently I just got done AFSO21-ing my desk. It was pretty messy.
  13. JalapeƱo juice in the eyes? That sounds gross.
  14. From the latest issue of C4ISR Journal. http://www.isrjournal.com/story.php?F=4204055
  15. Don't worry, he's not at Langley. He works for my office. We had no idea he was into the whole dance thing and yes, we made fun of him. "You know how I know you're gay? You're a cabaret dancer." But, hey, whatever floats your boat. For the record, he's a nice kid. Little guy. Likes to booze it up and roll dice on Fridays (STS, because I'm sure somebody will turn that into some Gay metaphor). I think he received his "callsign" from some of the test guys down at Eglin. He doesn't use it. BTW, dude's wicked smaht - by 22 he had a PhD from a small tech school near Boston. Alright, bring on the "Spoo is gay" shenanigans. EDIT for clarity and grammar.
  16. Wow, I didn't know the day changed over at noon. 1159Z? Sooo...technically, I'm the first to say Happy B-day Air Force. TIMESTAMP 0035Z. EDIT: Wait a second..."the guys on this board" are the fucking Air Force. WTF?
  17. Spoo

    Kanye West

    Probably just me, but I don't get it (R2D2 cartoon).
  18. Spoo

    Kanye West

    I also provided a service for her, but it would be inappropriate to talk about in this forum.
  19. Spoo

    Kanye West

    No worries man, I was just messing with you. Apparently everybody takes social psychology though?
  20. Spoo

    Kanye West

    Try looking four posts up. Nice work name-dropper.
  21. Spoo

    Kanye West

    Swift = drool, hotness, good things, etc. West = douchebag
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