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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Spoo

    Kanye West

    Again, no shit. I've said it before, I hate people. EDIT: and I don't mean the magazine People.
  2. Spoo

    Kanye West

    No shit. Interesting though, I had no idea they still made music videos.
  3. Sounds great, take away the one day they aren't "closed for training"...
  4. Oh, finance is a system alright. A system designed to suck your will to live.
  5. Agreed, the UP is pretty sweet.
  6. That place doesn't exist. Do you mean Alpena, Michigan? If that's the case, it's not surprising. Everywhere you go in Michigan feels like 1983.
  7. Sorry for the late reply, but what a douchebag. Sorry for the prompt reply, but what a douchebag. It's no wonder politicians suck ass.
  8. Spoo


    Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
  9. But it's obsolete, so we should retire that bitch.
  10. Huh? I didn't read anything in that memo that said you had to fast during Ramadan. 3.
  11. Sweet - every jet will be black w/ soot in a year. I do like black jets though...
  12. Amigos, Juan Ramos esta una grande bolsa de doucha. EDIT: Had to correct the EspaƱol.
  13. Agreed. Better them than me. 2. Nice.
  14. "Look at this PIO, the rudder is fully deflected, etc." F-ing dipshits.
  15. He's at Osh Kosh, probably trying to convince somebody with a P-51 to let him fly it.
  16. I'm a little loaded and pre-ocupie-eyed, but here's a quickie... Afghanistan. Young awacs controller. Calling out unidentified traffic to everyone within 10 miles of my lat/long. Numerous calls of no-joy... I woke up from a nap and figured out he was talking about me. I got on the radio and said, "I think you're talking about Dragon 69 ." ...many seconds of silence..."Traffic is no factor." Found out later that he thought something was messed up with the radar return.
  17. DBC = Douche Bag Central? (and) Did the "Social Activities Officer" (or SAO if you're a DB) really use the "fight for your right to party" quote? Really?
  18. Dude, I wasn't referring to your job as an F-15 pilot, or the F-15 itself. Are you paranoid or what? Relax, I really don't give a shit. I have better things to do than try to slam someone else's community. My "witty put-down" was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek commentary about your apparent lack of imagination and refusal to believe that a UAV could do your job, whatever that is. You tee'd up the softball with your "Spoken like someone..." line, so I swung. Trust me, I'm no proponent of the UAV. I love my job (not this job, but the flying one I hope to return to). I don't like watching the erosion of our profession. Hell, they've been trying to replace my jet with a crappy sub-par unmanned POS for ten years now. I don't know if it'll be all UAV's or none in the future, probably somewhere in the middle. My point was this: 30-40 years from now, there will be a dramatic difference in what UAVs can and will do. Right or wrong, it won't surprise me if a UAV takes on the a/a role at some point. EDIT: I was going to make a jab about the days of the pure a/a manned fighter being over...but changed my mind.
  19. Holy F - that's superhero . You all know who has the best Tailgating and Party School.
  20. Please dude, it's 2009. They're vertical cylinders of excellence.
  21. Spoken like someone who's afraid to lose his job. 70 years ago they couldn't imagine flying faster than the speed of sound. 50 years ago they couldn't imagine a plane invisible to radar. 20 years ago they couldn't imagine flying an unmanned a/c and firing a missile or dropping an LGB/JDAM from half a world away. Give it 20-30 years...when we're looking for the F-35's replacement.
  22. Seriously? No, seriously? Nobody's commented on this jackass comment yet?
  23. Anybody want to know what the conventional wisdom is in the Pentagon? How long does the average fighter stay in the inventory? 20-30 years, right? Right or wrong, It's supposed to replace everything we have. Think about where UAV technology will be in 30 years. If not the last, F-35 will likely be very near the end of the manned fighter timeline.
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