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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Screw center of mass, I'm going for the head shot. Nice.
  2. 2. There has got to be more to that story.
  3. A Maj as a SQ/CC? Cool. I think I know this Major, he works down the hall from me. Is he related to General DB? Cuz I know him too. Ok, I'm done. Does the missileer eat-your-own mentality have anything to do with the fact that they are "handling" big nuclear missiles? I know back in the days of SAC they took anything to do with nukes VERY seriously; Q-3's, LOR's, etc were pretty common for seemingly insignificant infractions. I'm basing this on a lot of "back in the day" stories I've heard. You know back in the Cold War when the Nuclear mission was THE mission. Any bomber guys care to comment?
  4. Spoo

    MJ Vs Lt. Bradshaw

    "They" being congress, right? What a bunch of crap. I mean grade 'A' shit. And we pay these touch-holes?
  5. Spoo

    Bacon Explosion!

    Gotta love that good ole cow bacon.
  6. Batting a 1000, eh? Sorry, couldn't resist.
  7. Spoo

    Bacon Explosion!

    Made the explosion a couple times last football season. Absolutely awesome. Just F-ing ridiculous. Couple slabs with some cold beer...perfect. Did it in the oven and on the grill - go with the grill, your house won't stink like bacon for a week. Not that there's anything wrong with that. BTW, you may have a secondary explosion about a day later.
  8. Never heard that phrase, but I hate it. What, you don't think "Yard of the Month" should get a parking spot at the BX? I remember my old squadron. There were no fewer than 6 handicap spaces in front. No shit. This was a FLYING squadron. Anyway, I had a cop yell at me for parking in one while running into the squadron (w/ flashers on) to grab something I forgot. The other five were empty. Cop: You know that's a handicap spot sir? Me: Yeah, sorry I forgot something. Didn't think they would all fill up while I was in the building. Cop: (dirty look - drives away)
  9. SIB is briefing the Chief this week so the report should be available soon.
  10. Graz was laid to rest at Arlington today w/ full honors. There was a KC-135 fly-by and lots of folks from every community he was a part of. RIP Dash.
  11. Neither does the AF, with the aforementioned exceptions. Not returning a salute would be like someone reaching out to shake your hand and you just ignore it. Besides, as already mentioned, it's a sign of respect. Who are you hurting by not returning it?
  12. There's a sizable collection in the USAF Museum at WPAFB.
  13. Creepy, I was thinking the exact same thing. According to Bio.com he was "one of the best-known and most highly paid of all American painters". Cool. RIP Bob. According to Wiki - Medical Records Keeper.
  14. Spoo

    F-16 VS F-15

    HA! There it is! I told you so.
  15. (said slowly in a amazed voice) What in the fvck? Did the voiceover announcer really call them an "elite unit"? And I'm pretty sure he said they're ready to blow me.
  16. Huggy, just because you enjoy reruns of The Lawrence Welk Show and Hee Haw doesn't mean you should try making everybody feel bad for making fun of TIB. Come on, tell me you aren't just the tiniest bit embarassed to see AF members up their singing and dancing in ridiculous outfits making asses out of themselves. Reminds me of a story. I was volun-told to help out for Air Force Week in Sacramento couple years back. Did the GLO thing for the flybys during the day and that night, did PA-type crap at a reception. You know, talk about the deuce, answer questions, shake hands, etc. I also ended up helping TIB get all their shit squared away so they could dance around for a bunch of retirees and civilians. Talk about a bunch of pompous a-holes. They acted like they were God's gift. We were just the dirty hired help. They even had a receiving line at the end so everybody could come shake their hands and "thank them for serving". Man that pissed me off. EDIT: made this an even better post.
  17. Spoo

    F-16 VS F-15

    He took the hint - you didn't. It was a compliment you jackass. I thought the sarcasm was plainly obvious - at least somebody figured it out (see quote below). Now explain that F-ing picture.
  18. Spoo

    F-16 VS F-15

    Two things: 1. I don't know what that's a picture of. Forgive my ignorance. B. Your avatar is fvcking ridiculous. He wants to have the last word. Wait for it... Wait for it...
  19. Yeah, I hear ya'. Someone stole my motherfvcking snake from a motherfvcking plane once.
  20. Wow, that's a special kind of asshole.
  21. Spoo

    F-16 VS F-15

    (Can't believe I didn't think of this sarcastic joke/comment earlier...) If a T-38 can beat an F-22, anything's possible. T-38 vs F-22 It's weird though, the T-38 has a lot less surface area.
  22. Spoo

    F-16 VS F-15

    Damn, how much do you hate that guy?
  23. Spoo

    F-16 VS F-15

    Wait...I shouldn't violate OPSEC?
  24. Nice. I got a good chuckle out of that. I remember the days when I was young and watching 20/20 w/ my parents... My wife thinks he's creepy, but she was just watching the Bachelorette, so what does she know? Stossel's creepy? What about all those douchebags sword-fighting for some average looking chick on national TV? Sorry, back to my scotch.
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