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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Solved my problem. I'm on leave in WI and picked up some .45 ACP and 9mm at a gunshop outside of Madison for $24/box of 50. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price.
  2. This bird now resides in the Air Force museum at WPAFB. It's over in the Experimental and Presidential a/c hangar. I think I know where the oil went...
  3. Spoo

    Booze Talk

    Beer: Old Style or Schlitz. No joke. Schlitz was voted best cheap beer in America about ten years ago - cheap beer being bud, miller and coors. Besides, you can't beat a nickel glass of Old Style from the tap in any of the 10,000,000 bars in Wisconsin. Trust me. In fact, I'm boiling brats in OS right now...
  4. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Where are you that ammo is easier to find? You should try finding it in Northern VA...
  5. Spoo


    Kinda' like your mom.
  6. Ok, W crews are made up of Talon types right? Now they won't let any experienced Gunship guys into the unit? Guys with experience doing Gunship things? Good call. Hope that goes well dumbasses.
  7. Sweet - nice work brother!
  8. Spoo

    Booze Talk

    Dude, save your money and go w/ Smirnoff (or any other cheap V) and RB. Trust me - you can't tell the difference. Booze: Dirty Vodka Martini's Beer: Leinenkugel's, Dale's Ale, Coors Light (the one to drink when you're drinking more than one) Wine: All of it.
  9. Totally agree. However, it's been my experience that the ones w/ the "F-ing issues" are usually the arrogant, self-righteous, pious (pick your adjective) folks who feel the need to share their opinions on alcohol with people who really don't care to hear it. It's rarely the other way around - meaning drinkers making fun of non-drinkers. In fact, I can't recall the last time someone was "hazed" for not drinking. I need a beer...
  10. Thanks Buzz Killington. I just knew somebody would get on here and preach about the evils of drinking. BTW, probably hate my signature block, eh?
  11. Spoo


    ZING! From: http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Sh...arrier_Aircraft Flying with the additional drag and weight of the Orbiter imposes fuel and altitude penalties. The range is reduced to 1,000 nautical miles (1,850 km), compared to an unladen range of 5500 nautical miles (10,100 km), requiring an SCA to stop several times to refuel on a transcontinental flight. The SCA has an altitude ceiling of 15,000 feet and a maximum cruise speed of Mach 0.6 with the orbiter attached. It takes a crew of about 170 a week to prepare the shuttle and SCA for flight.
  12. INNER MONOLOGUE: Oh Shit, he thinks I went to A&M... Sir, I totally agree with you - I don't want to hear about any F-ing A&M bullshit either. That's why I posted this in response to BQZip's first totally annoying A&M rambling: I think you're referring to Contrail and BQZip01. They didn't get the hint so I threw out the band camp line - didn't mean to make a connection to the A&M band. BTW, I didn't know there was a difference between different school's bands - they're all geeks.
  13. This one time, at band camp...
  14. Thanks for ruining my day. I wasn't going to drink...
  15. Thanks, but nobody cares. Where is A&M anyway? Lubbock or Austin?
  16. Yeah, that's why it's amazing.
  17. Amazing alright, amazing he got on the ground in one piece, didn't get captured, or get his ass shot off by his own rescuers. EDIT: What Discus said - go talk to a SERE instructor.
  18. Even better. I'm just thinking what that would look like from the cockpit...I think the hallway in front of my office is 700'. Maybe he's dual-qualed in float planes and had a little negative transfer going on. He probably thought he landed short.
  19. If it were me, I'd probably wipe my ass with it.
  20. It was the damn anti-skid that didn't work. Piece of shit system.
  21. I LOVE the fact that they made it an EXCELLENCE/DISCREPANCY Report. I want my EXCELLENCE documented Godammit! Obviously a 4"x6" piece of paper with a crooked xerox copy of some silly AETC crap is the only thing that can give it real meaning.
  22. They were playing the Air Force song at noon on Fridays at Beale a couple years back, but you weren't required to stop or "pay due respect". Not sure what the motivation was. I guess so you know that it's 1200 on Friday without having to look at your watch. Or maybe it was so you could feel all Air Forcey and motivated rolling into the weekend. EDIT: Added vital words like "the" and "at". Oh that's awesome. She probably wears her reflective belt in her garage...can't be too careful you know.
  23. Uh oh dog, think Timbonez beat you to it.
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