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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Guys...c'mon now. It's obvious to me he was planning to use the high speed at the end on the right. Do they still give out the mishap book at UPT? It's basically a compilation of a bunch of tweet and -38 mishaps from the last 40 years. Well, I remember a blurb in the beginning about not passing judgement on the decisions made by mishap pilots. You know, the whole "you weren't there" bit, he made the best decision he could with the info available, blah, blah, blah. Anyhoo, that doesn't apply here. F-ing dumbass.
  2. ZING? You really got me there. Sorry, I was wrong, this thread is a great idea.
  3. From the Top Gun coaster website (above): Paramount Pictures’ Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise, was the top grossing movie of 1986. The military-themed drama told the story of a group of elite navy fighter pilots competing in a fighter school setting to become the “top gun” of the cadre, but they found that their personal lives and emotions went through more dangerous maneuvers than their F-14 Tomcat jets. Oh, that IS AWESOME! Well done themeparks.lovetoknow.com. I couldn't have summed that movie up any better.
  4. Congrats, that's a lot of drinking.
  5. Also feel free to add your own ideas, see what type of thread we can create here.
  6. Amen brother. Imagine John Q. Public sees you walk into a restaurant with sunglasses on your dome. Imagine what his reaction would be. Either, "Holy shit is that unprofessional!!!" or, more likely, dude goes about his business not thinking twice about what you and everyone on the planet does with their sunglasses. <end scene>
  7. Caveat: I'm really F-ing bored today. Anyhoo, I looked it up in AFI 36-69069 Chow-my-hog (http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/shared/medi.../afi36-2903.pdf). It's on page 91: No sunglasses (to include darkened photosensitive lenses) in formation. Not worn around the neck or on top/back of head or exposed hanging on the uniform. Eyeglasses/sunglasses will be worn in the manner for which they were made. As far as I know, no supplement can be LESS restrictive than an AFI. I would be shocked if any base downrange would allow something like that to happen. In fact, there seems to be a push to make most things more restrictive. With all the Shouchebags running around, the term formation probably means one person walking to the chow hall or taking a leak.
  8. So your saying the shoes are there correcting you on uniform wear, etc? Well then Stainedclass, apparently the Altus O'club ain't that cool. Sorry, I'm not hanging out any place where uniform nazis can order from the same bartender. And "grill your own steak" sounds too much like "casino night" or "all you can eat shrimp night". I suppose you don't have many options in Altus though...
  9. Just got the word here. I saw him on Wednesday. Talked to him for a while and he asked me to join him for lunch. I couldn't because I had to go to "a meeting". Wish I could have that one back... Godspeed dash.
  10. It's your professional obligation to get another credit card? Awesome. It probably was about 20 years ago...when it was an O'club and it was fun.
  11. Name dropper. I administered the oath to my little brother and then my Dad gave him his first salute...about 9 years after he gave me mine. Mom was in tears. Sorry, felt compelled to share. EDIT: Felt compelled to share because I was loaded.
  12. Saw this crap this morning. Oh, now I'll sign up! I always wanted a 6 month zero-interest rate on a new credit card I can use at the on-base, dumpy, retirement home-esque, Golden Coral knock-off, zero atmosphere O'club. Oooh - Casino night! F OFF. "Instant payback"? I don't know about that, but I have instant feedback: EDIT: yes I got this at work, but it's from Services. I challenge you to find anything that's even FOUO. Besides, some people work in Services AFTER they LOSE their security clearance.
  13. Wow, throwing CRM in there. Nice. Agree though, you could feel the nervousness coming though the tube. I know the Obama oath thing isn't that big a deal, but the last time I tried to start a thread it got deleted after four replies. This time I figured I would try something benign. The whole walk before you run thing.
  14. No, the couple of times Obama stumbled over the words that Roberts didn't leave out. I guess they should've had it on a teleprompter. ZING! Don't ping dude, I wasn't commenting on his political philosophy.
  15. I guess you didn't watch him take the oath of office...the first time. For the record: I didn't start the thread based on the ethnicity of their names - previous post was dumb. I admonished myself and made the appropriate changes. I'm sure they were at the top of their class, they'll be great officers, undying patriotism, yada, yada, yada. I saw Obama was giving the oath and immediately thought of his inauguration shenanigans. Just wanted to say shenanigans. "I swear to God I'll pistol-whip the nexy guy who says shenanigans."
  16. Agree - good for them. If it were me, I'd be nervous as hell. Probably stumble all over myself reciting the oath back. Wait a sec...
  17. Obama Giving Military Oath To 2 From UA By Carol Ann Alaimo, Arizona Daily Star Yousef Balooshi is starting his military career on top of the world. For an Army officer, it doesn't get much better than being sworn into service by the commander in chief. The ROTC cadet from the University of Arizona is one of two locals to whom President Obama will administer the oath of office during a visit to Tempe tonight. "It's an extreme honor. I never imagined this in my wildest dreams, said Balooshi, 22, who'll graduate from the UA with a degree in history later this week and is being commissioned as a second lieutenant. "It's pretty unbelievable," agreed fellow cadet Enwei Liber, 21, who also will be onstage when Obama does the honors. The Virginia native, another new second lieutenant, also graduates from the UA this week, with a political science degree. Their swearing-in ceremony will take place at Arizona State University with fellow ROTC cadets from around the state. The opportunity to have Obama officiate arose because the president is due to give the commencement address at ASU tonight. The two UA cadets were chosen from among 20 seniors in their ROTC class because they ranked highest in areas such as academic achievement, military studies, leadership training and physical fitness, said Capt. Vernal Fulton, an adviser with the UA's ROTC program. Relatively few Army officers ever get to meet their commander in chief, let alone be sworn in by him, Fulton said. "For anyone in the military, being sworn in by the president is a big deal." Balooshi said the moment is especially meaningful for him because he was born in Bahrain, a Middle Eastern nation that, though it's more liberal than others in the region, has fewer personal freedoms than Americans enjoy. His mother is American, so he has U.S. citizenship through her. "I have a little bit of a debt to repay," Balooshi said of his decision to join the Army. "There are opportunities here that I wouldn't have had anywhere else. Sometimes I think people have a greater appreciation of America when they have seen the way it is in other countries." Liber said she was inspired to enter the military by a sibling who recently was commissioned into the Air Force through the ROTC. The UA's ROTC program produces about 20 new Army officers each year. Nationwide, such programs are the service's largest source of commissioned officers.
  18. You know the Navy flies off of ships for like 6 months at a time, right? F THAT. Of course, you could get a P-3/P-8 I suppose...but then there's the Disassociated Sea Tour. Ever heard of that gem? 3 Years on the boat - not flying. F THAT. I'm feeling sick just thinking about it...
  19. Who the F wrote this? Thank you in advance for your continued Leadership in the fight against improper footwear. Everyone knows that Pink crocs = a total deterioration of military bearing and discipline! Please... That MF'er even referenced core values when talking about F-ing Crocs. YGTBFSM! I'm in the F-ing Pentagon and we don't have to put up with BS like this. Why couldn't they simply write this: Folks, Could you remind your people that Crocs are only authorized in the following colors: --list-- Thank you. Hell, you shouldn't even have to write anything. At the weekly standup tell Sq/CC's, etc. that their people shouldn't wear orange crocs, then let them "lead". Talk about F-ing douchebaggery...I can't adequately describe my disgust. Maybe throw in some more F bombs...Holy shit - where's the tylenol?!?
  20. Quinthjb - your avatar is just ridiculous. How the hell I'm I supposed to get anything done? You're doing it wrong... EDIT: because I'm a moron.
  21. Wait - who's he talking about here?
  22. Thanks, but I got all pissed off and needed to vent before the really cool 1400 Staff Meeting. Just shoot me.
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