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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. In a related subject - Rwy 15/33 at Reagan National. Traffic flies directly over the Pentagon @ about 200-500'. Walking out to the parking lot you always see visitors stop dead in their tracks, watching in horror... Now over on Rwy 19 you fly the river visual down the Potomac. If you fly off course over downtown DC I think they shoot you down. I don't know where I'm going with this one...I guess you want to be on the east side of the river when shit goes down. Ever notice when people talk about 9/11 you only hear about the WTC? I hate people. EDIT: By people I mean John Q. Public...especially A-hole Virginia drivers who don't give you "the wave" when you let them merge into traffic, people who can't tell an M-1 Abrams from an F-22, people who think banning guns will do a fncking thing to stop crime, or people that don't use their turn signal - EVER. WTF do they think that little lever is for?!? You know...People? Get the idea?
  2. Steve, I just borrowed the book from my boss...Mr. Jack Manclark.
  3. Some chick from 1985 called, she wants her hair back. Sorry, I'm hungover - that "xxxx called, it wants its xxxx back" joke is crazy funny. I smell a promotion...oh wait, she's in the Navy. Nevermind.
  4. Just show them your avatar...you'll be fine.
  5. Tell me you didn't say "FVCK YEAH!" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/piracy
  6. Nah - deployed DO - D'arg. Very impressive. Never wanted to piss that guy off.
  7. Broke a jet in Yuma. 'Nuff said. Masirah, Oman - best TDY ever. That was back in 2001-02. Germans set up a beer hall in a tent. No shit, marble bar and everything. Too many stories, don't know where to start. F-ing awesome flying. Lots of killing. Watched my DO hang a phone up for a shoe with diarrhea of the mouth, about kicked his ass. Awesome. Back when you could get away with that...
  8. Here's to Alec, Funk, Class 08-08, and anybody who gives a damn... EDIT: On second thought, make it a .
  9. Fair enough. Two things though: I never said diplomacy doesn't work and I should've said, "Carrying a big stick is an effective means of keeping the peace when dealing with certain nation-states"...or something like that. I disagree with Toasty's thinking. We haven't indiscriminately bombed "whoever" we wanted to in the past few years and there are times when drawing the proverbial line in the sand is required. As far as Korea goes, sorry bro - Korean nukes were a direct result of Clinton's Pyongyang appeasement program...sorry, political dialogue and progressive blah, blah, blah. Our foreign policy strategy of the recent past hasn't been any different than what you've suggested above. In fact, it supports my assertions - you have to tailor your response to the situation/nation. Oh, and I still think it should be the Total War Against Terror. Then we'll be able to by stuff using TWAT money, you can be a supporter of the TWAT, there'll be TWAT contingency orders, you can accumulate O-1 time fighting the TWAT, something about working in CE and laying pipe...you get the idea.
  10. Shack? Please. I agree that naming is irrelevent, but painting a foreign affairs picture with such a broad brush is narrow-minded and almost dangerous. The liberal approach (liberal in the int. relations context - not American politics) has been tried before and it's wishful thinking. It assumes that all countries will act as rational actors and work for the same goal - some weird international utopia. Let's inject a little reality here, the playing field is not level. Approaches that are effective with 1st world "western" nations, will not work with 2nd and 3rd world nations (meaning poor in wealth and resources). Nations like that want their piece of the pie, usually without giving up a damn thing. They want to be an equal, a player. Example: Iran. They want the bomb - period. Nukes are their way of becoming a big kid on the block. If you think that playing nice and opening a line of reasonable discourse with Tehran is going to change that desire, you need to pull your head out of your ass. Diplomacy may get them to talk nice to you and about you, but behind the scenes, they're doing whatever the hell they want. Do you honestly think that "important" countries like Russia, Korea, Iran, etc. won't use "progressive" American diplomacy to their advantage? While diplomacy has its place, carrying a big stick (threatening overwhelming force) is going to keep the peace. So fine, let's sit around and play nice. Maybe the rest of the world will even "like us" again. But when Iran ends up with the Bomb after a few years, I'll say I told you so. Out.
  11. What color is the sky in your world?
  12. YEAH!!! F-ING COMBAT AWESOME!!! Don't be ashamed, somebody had to do it.
  13. True story - talking to a hot blonde idiot in Omaha: Blonde: What kind of Helicopter is that? Spoo: That's a C-130 Maam. Blonde: Cool. Spoo: Would you like a tour? Blonde: I'd LOVE a ride... I shit you not. Wasn't even my airplane. That was the best airshow ever. ---------------------------- Question from an airshow freak at Beale Airshow: A Deuce had just done a fly-by and freak points at U-2 on static... Freak: Did y'all fly that thing in here? Spoo: No, we take it apart and truck it to airshows all over the country. It's part of the AF Heritage Display. Freak: I knew it! Spoo (thinking): Wow...I need another beer. Did I mention we were AT BEALE?
  14. Ummm...it's Total War Against Terror. Jeez, where have you been? Seriously, just saw on the news that the regime is backing off on this - another unpopular/ridiculous policy, much like the "Vets paying for health care" gem. Supposedly the memo was from a "mid-level funtionary" and does not reflect White House policy. Apparently they "use the term GWOT all the time."
  15. Now that you mention it, I have a vague memory of that...I probably tuned it out, due to its suckage. How 'bout this one: OPSEC Linebacker.
  16. Ah, gotcha'...all the same, I'm sure the shirt could use the bitch-slap.
  17. Word. I forgot about that roomate one...agreed.
  18. Trust me dude, I hate her based solely on your post. I'm mean for fnck's sake. If it's not because she doesn't trust your ability to properly prepare for the elements, then why does she have such a boner for long sleeves and ties? Your CC needs to verbally, or virtually, bitch-slap that shirt. I think it's great how he tries to piss on your cheerios just a little bit on Friday afternoon. Does he/she send out emails on the other days to inform you of the UOD?
  19. Where are you located, roughly...STS? Love the avatar BTW. Like I've always said, can't go wrong with Mom jokes.
  20. Nice. I'm sure there's a rational explanation that involves money, advertising, and promulgating core values, but can somebody explain to me why you can't air regular commercials on AFN? Fncking seriously, I mean I enjoy the State Quiz, "scenes of home" (you know, the sweeping vistas of beautiful American country you get to watch while you're in some hell-hole), and assanine PSA's (usually involving horrible actors in completely ridiculous situations) just as much as the next guy, but sometimes the x100 propaganda you see on there is enough to make you puke. Sorry I've always wanted to ask that question. Holy shit, where's the tylenol? EDIT: altered to include profanity - I got more pissed off the more I thought about it.
  21. Speaking of Jimmy Stewart... "The Spirit of St. Louis". Jimmy Stewart plays Charles Lindbergh - he even looks like him. Made in the 50's. If you look closely at the extras during the takeoff scene, you can see Huggy. Classic.
  22. I read somewhere that the IP avoided trial by resigning his commission and was discharged under "other than honorable conditions". I guess he won't be able to use the AF as a job reference... The students that were kicked out of UPT (11?) all received non-judicial punishment, e.g. forfeitures of pay, Article 15's, etc.
  23. As I've had a couple martinis, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to respond to this. Grrrrrrr...
  24. Watch it again. Try and count the number of times he says, "Let's see what this thing can do." I now hate this movie.
  25. I love it. An OPS SUP threatening GO involvement over a missing disco belt. Priceless... The thing that sucks is that if it isn't returned, everyone will pay.
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