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Everything posted by Learjetter

  1. But being in the 89th is its own punishment.
  2. ....and anyone can jam. Which would suck a la Die Hard 2 if you don't have both a brain, and good hands...
  3. Sounds good to me: a free day off work to ride, in an un-failable "training course"... paid for by my boss. What's not to like?
  4. https://www.stripes.com/news/air-force/air-force-plans-to-investigate-new-allegations-against-wilkerson-1.218182
  5. Didn't intend to be "nebulous"--apologies. Consider this: where do you think the AF needs gate-complete rated bodies who cannot turn down assignments because they just signed their ACP contract? Hint: it's not always in a cockpit...
  6. Just read the AFI, the message, and most importantly your contract carefully fellas...note what it says and what it doesn't say.
  7. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    Consignment. Thanks--that might just be the answer...but Beaver's one-line command of the obvious is still noteworthy.
  8. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    That's what I thought. How do we sell a gun and get it "off" the "defacto registry?" I've got a couple guns I'd like to sell, but I'm the one on the paperwork and wonder where they'll end up...
  9. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    Anybody know what dealers do with your paperwork? Keep it? Send it to ATF? Shred after 90 days?
  10. Speaking of the 4th Amendment... https://www.infowars.com/shocking-footage-americans-ordered-out-of-homes-at-gunpoint-by-swat-teams/
  11. Citizen or not, enemy combatant status may be the right call. It'll set a very useful precedent for the govt. That's why I'm against it.
  12. I've had three mortgages: on-base 91-95, then 1) 95-02 (last 3 yrs as a rental) ($105k), 99-04 on base 2) 04-08 ($210k), 3) 08-present ($225k). Three different bases, first one I got as Capt, 2nd as Maj, 3rd as a Lt Col.
  13. The story I heard: as Cole and Doolittle powered up for their carrier takeoff that day: Cole: "You think we'll make it?" Doolittle (pushing up throttles) "Too soon to tell!" Brake release...
  14. 20 years ago, you just waited a year to EAD.
  15. Same thing happened to me 23 years ago...I was "inadvertently" left off the approved commissionee list, and the Air Staff wasn't accepting waivers. I ended up taking summer classes, enrolled for the fall, and got an add'l bachelors degree. Then commissioned in Oct, then waited a year to EAD. Make the most of the time: get a job, continue school, chase tail, drink beer, go get your PPL, surf, climb a mountain, write a book, go on a very long vacation hiking thru Central America... Or not. Your call.
  16. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    I dropped $400 on the scope for my Sig SHR970. I'd like to stay under that.
  17. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    Hypothetically, if I had picked up an M&P15, what optics would you gents advise? Say, if someone were to use it for coyotes at ranges less than 200 yds?
  18. Learn that from your Mom? :-)
  19. Pretty sure you can find a link in AFI 11-202v3.
  20. Or even O-6. I know a guy...
  21. I doubt the RoK even wants reunification after we "effect regime change." The cost would be astronomical. Perhaps it's cheaper to just keep paying the asswipe to keep his humanitarian/economic disaster on his side of the border. Morally, that sucks, even from my ethnocentric view. But how many more Americans should die for the RoK's defense of their economy? Just sayin...
  22. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    Good grief. Makes me WANT to be a lawyer. Proof positive that asinine gun laws (nearly ALL of them) do nothing to curb violence, but make felons of law-abiding citizens. The DA should publicly, vocally, and on national TV, decline to prosecute and relate his office will not prosecute such cases while he's in office. I have a dream...
  23. Now we know what Rainman and M2 do on their weekends together...
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