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About Dewey...BoneDriver
- Birthday 03/05/1977
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SNAP (1/4)
Dude, the constitution doesn't grant rights, it lists them. You missed the quote in the Declaration of Independence where the Founders said that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." That is the point he was making. This is a fundamental problem, when people start to think that the Government grants rights not the Creator. The bill of rights isn't about the government being nice to us. The Founders just wanted to enumerate rights not grant them to us.
Final Tweets to the Boneyard. Last ones flew out today, the official 'final' flights were on Friday...
Standby for pictures. ASU- T-6 Transition next week (I'd be happy to get an early return but they don't wanna let me go.) Old, bent, busted, rusted... Still one of the most reliable and durable aircraft we have. If the T-6 lasts 20 years we'll be lucky. And sitting next to the student is so nice, except when they are puking, since you can actually see what they are doing, even what they are about to do. If we could keep the Tweet with the T-6 sunshades I'd be ready for another summer! edited for punctuation
Final T-37 Checkrides are today at Sheppard. After this class graduates, there will be about one more month and then July 30th they will fly the last of the jets to the "Boneyard" (AMARG at DM). Large number of you all flew the Tweet, thought you'd want to know...
Don't think this has been stirred recently. As a guy who has been out of the loop for awhile (T-37s @SPS), how do you guys like having a pod? Talked to some of the Bros right after introduction of it last year, but with more time I'd be interested to know how it has worked out for y'all. Also, how is the manning situation going? They still drop one about every drop here at SPS. Dudes getting to stick around for three years and get upgraded or is it two and alpha or what? Trying to remain informed so I can still speak intelligently to what is going on when students ask. Thanks!
No. SIB=>Done AIB is supposedly nearly ready for release (could have been misinformed however).
Umm, seriously? The expression would be " GO CHOKE YOURSELF ". It means that you should put your hands around your neck and squeeze tightly enough that it cuts of the blood flow and air supply moving through your neck.
Those guys would not be at Sheppard though. At ENJJPT, Bomber guys are only allowed to instruct in Phase II (T-37/T-6). At other UPT bases, Bomber guys can perform IP duties in the T-38. -Dewey
Memorial for both pilots will be 1000 Monday @Sheppard.
That may have helped. It could also be that since they are there for a six month, none AEF cycle deployment for the second time in the last 12 months (6 on, 12 off) and they will be replaced by more B-1 guys who will be there on a six month rotation for the forseeable future, they decided to give them a break and make it a little more liveable.
Pretty sure my B-1 bros are in the new dorms. Supposedly a significant upgrade from CC; 'course that doesn't take much.
Most places the 24 hr reporting point is billeting and the fact that you checked in and got billeting is your proof. You then show up on the next workday, likely Monday, and start your squadron in-processing. Not that I have vast experience, but that is the way I have always found a weekend check-in to work.
"It's not a bad looking jacket. It just needs some better fabric and a committment to tailoring, along with a white shirt tab to offset the collar itself. Both of the proposed jackets need some tweaking, but they're good starting points." AND "Which of course hang much more nicely on the frame compared to the poly-wool flame-seeking stuff we've got now." Really, eight pages about THIS? REMF.net is taking over baseops.net just like REMFs are taking over the AF. More energy has been spent worrying over what we are going to wear to work and how to properly wear it than actually doing the J-O-B in the Air Force and I guess this is just another example of that type of thinking.
Look man, my original point was that we can and do employ in a CAS role. I have never tried to claim that we are the 'kings of CAS', THE answer to every CAS situation, or that we have no limitations that we either have to work around or that prevent us from effectively prosecuting a target. I do think that we are capable of effectively applying weapons in a CAS environment and that we do bring some unique capabilities to the fight. Apparently only the B-1 guys think that the B-1 has or can do CAS. Besides that, when people made statments about our capabilities that were untrue due to misunderstanding or misinformation I tried to clarify and provide accurate info into our capes. As an aside, part of the reason that B-1 guys are so quick to defend their aircraft is that when most folks, to include planners for America's wars, think about the B-1 all that they are seeing is the jet that missed Iraq 1, or a carpet bomber with an outdated mission. We know better. They don't think about what we can do or bring to the fight. And we want to be in the fight. So until the time that we aren't the after thought to the air war we are always going to have to stand up for ourselves. And just because I am trying to do that doesn't mean I have no sense of humor and can't laugh at even my own buffonery. (OK so it may take a little while to laugh at my own, but "2's" buffonery, now thats funny!)
1- When I say we can't always ID with eyes, I mean that even if there is weather, night minus sparkle, etc, we can still ID targets using radar, not that if it is Day/VMC I can't see smoke or ID with my eyes, or that using my NVGs up front I can't see markers night/VMC as well so that I get the warm fuzzy that I am pointing at the bad guys and not the good guys. If that is required I can do that. And as we upgrade to targeting pods we will get even better at that. 2- J-FIRE doesn't say I can't release JDAM on moving targets (I can) and it doesn't prohibit releasing against moving targets, just recommends against it, due to JDAM being most effective against stationary targets (GP bombs aren't really more effective against movers, but JDAM are much more effective against stationary-essentially a JDAM vs a mover is like a GP). So if there are radar significant leakers running away from friendlies I would attempt to hit them with JDAM if it was requested and I had no GP bombs. 3. Uh, we can kinda tell how far the friendlies are from the target(s) ourselves based on target location and friendly location and determine danger close for our weapon. Additionally, why would you call danger close and then give me your initials so that I can release if it isn't danger close? I take the same care in either circumstance, the difference is that now the ground commander is making the call if he wants that particular weapon that close to his troops. If we are outside the actual numbers for danger close, just ask me to hit the target; if we are within the danger close numbers I am not going to release unless he clears me. The bottom line is that based on actual distances B-1s have released in danger close situations. edited for spelling [ 27. April 2006, 16:12: Message edited by: Dewey...BoneDriver ]