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  1. Anyone hear anything about a replacement to the TDART? It's coming up on the end of the fiscal year. Last I heard was too "keep the faith" for long term employment, but that was a month or so ago.
  2. I'm in the same boat. Got a house thinking the TDART was a sure thing. I'm hoping it comes back or is replaced with man days/extended seasoning orders. Hopefully we find out sooner rather than later.
  3. Can confirm the TDART program is dead, at least for the time being. I am 2 months from finishing up my seasoning and had already applied and been accepted to the TDART program. Then a few days ago I was told unless you have begun your 4 years as a TDART you no longer have it. There was talk about taking it from the guys are already in the TDART program, but that seems to passed. The retention bonus that those early dude were getting was terminated, however. There is a meeting set to happen in August with AFRC to figure out a path forward but who knows how long it will be before we hear an answer.
  4. Are you just planning on being a TR during that time until you get the additional 100 hrs. I did see that note in the job announcement but from the dudes in my unit that took the TDART job said they only counted the MWS time from the FTU.
  5. Is there anyone who is prior service (not rated) and signed up for the TDART program? Were you able to get a waiver to start at something higher than a GS-9, or possibly a GS-9 but a higher step? Im a prior non rated Capt coming from AD and a few months from UPT graduation and also pinning on Maj. The idea of going from full time Maj pay to GS-9 is not ideal. Ill need 300 MWS hrs before going to GS-11 and then 750 before going to 12.
  6. Does anyone have experience with getting selected for promotion while on AD and transferring to the reserves before you pin on? I was selected for major last year and my line number would have me pinned on in September of 19. However, I separated from AD in June and joined the Reserves before pinning on with the Palace Front program. I contacted AFPC and they said that i dont have to meet a majors board again with the reserves but my new date of rank is Dec of 2020 (when i hit 7 years TIG which is the reserve requirements to pin on major). This is over a year from when i would have pinned on had i stayed AD. Obviously im losing out on some good $$ while i wait the extra 15 months. Is there any one who has been through this and gotten their rank earlier than the TIG requirements needed by AFRC? thanks, Hawk
  7. A guy in my UPT class got a waiver for this very issue under the REACT study. I'd say try again with a waiver request.
  8. Thanks, im not on profile any more I just have exemptions on my last test. I didn't know if that would matter. Seems like I'll have to take the test again with no exemptions before I can submit the paperwork.
  9. I'm about to apply for PC but my last PT test I was on profile. My ISR is saying I can't apply until I have no exemptions on my PT test. I checked the regs and can't find any mention of this. Has anyone been in this situation? Thanks,
  10. Ok so I am currently on active duty, non rated. I was selected to fly for a reserve unit. When my IFC1 waiver was submitted it was first sent to AFRC who supported me and in turn sent the waiver to AETC where it was denied. Should I ask my flight doc to send the new waiver request to AFRC (who supported me) or to AETC (who denied me) who will then send it to to AFMSA/SG3PF?
  11. I'm bringing this thread back to the top. I just got denied a waiver for a kidney stone I had 3 years ago (it was my second one), so now my only option is to submit a ETP. Anyone have the most recent information? I'm looking for a way to get started. Routing, documents required, the whole 9 yards. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  12. Congrats to everyone selected. I was selected last July but I'm working a waiver before I can get started. What unit was everyone selected for? I'm going to the 711SOS at Duke
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/02/03/new-isis-video-purpotedly-shows-jordanian-pilot-being-burned-alive/ I am at a loss of words. Not that what they did before was any better, but these guys need to be exterminated.
  14. I'm not sure about your slot expiring. I would think AFRC would place you in a unit before they took your slot away.
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