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Everything posted by Rocker

  1. I just realized the ones I have say "SHUT THE HELL UP" instead of "SHUT THE **** UP." Just a few more left, so if you want one, lemme know...
  2. I don't want to make a joke of ANYTHING on that site, but you have to admit, that's a funny picture. Regardless, I wonder how hard they'd be praying for more casualties if it was their own sick people being killed. I just can't believe they get away with this stuff among the local population when they have their little "protests." (What EXACTLY are they protesting again?) It was one thing with the whole "Baby Killers" movement during Vietnam, but this is way, way worse. Anyone got an extra JDAM they can let go of?
  3. I have a few if someone wants one. No velcro on 'em yet though. PM.
  4. Good points. Remember, too, that most people get a little stage fright and that you're not expected to be perfect. Just know your topic and prepare and practice. You'll learn what you need to know when you get there. Be confident, and if not, appear confident. That ability will help when you get to pilot training, too.
  5. Rocker


    Oh I know I'm not the only one making doodies at this hour. I just laugh sometimes when things like this happen (having a duty officer for no apparent reason - oh yeah, the hurricane thing), but I'm sure it'll ALL become clear to me when I get in "their" shoes. I'm just glad to be here.
  6. Rocker


    Sweet, a few of us NEED those LL routes if we evac to finish on time. They've got us up 24 hours at the squadron because of the hurricane status.
  7. Rocker


    The plan is to take all the airplanes somewhere else before the hurricane gets here. We are flying tomorrow, and I don't know anything about Tuesday yet.
  8. Rocker


    So here I am, sitting in the "doodie" office of a Navy squadron, holding down the chair, the soft glow of LCD screens lighting my tiny office, drinking a 24 oz Cafe de la Casa from Circle K getting paid to surf the internet until 0600, at which time I can go home with the distinct pride inside of having done my part in keeping things secure through the night. And you better believe I'm important...I have KEYS. [ 17. July 2005, 22:25: Message edited by: Rocker ]
  9. I've never really been enthralled by flying itself. I've always just really enjoyed the challenge of it and I know it's all I ever want to do. And I sure has hell don't want to have a "real" job making money for corporate ass-clowns somewhere. I have only wanted to be in the AF since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, and the only thing I've ever wanted to be in the AF was a pilot (though I would still have tried to join if I hadn't gotten a pilot slot). Granddad flew P-38s, dad flew Herks, and now that's where I'm going. It's never been as much about flying for me as it has been about being an Air Force pilot.
  10. What about Spies Like Us? "Alright, stop right there and I'll bring back the sun. Okay, this is my sister, you can all have her. I hear she's very good." [ 11. July 2005, 21:02: Message edited by: Rocker ]
  11. Oh, don't be silly. I gave him a straight, inciteful answer before I commented on his English. He came looking for advice, so I gave him some that I thought would help and I stand by all of it. It's important to at least SOUND intelligent. And really, do you think a 16 year old kid can post here with marginal English and an e-mail of "gheystuff@yahoo.com" and NOT be flamed? That DESERVES flaming (not that I did any), and it's that which makes people better sometimes (i.e. a new e-mail address and better Engrish). Anyway, that's it. I was helping the young lad. Academy? Huh?
  12. They're probably all the same person.
  13. Haha - which brings me to my last point - learn some proper English. Yes you're only 16, but you will not get far sounding (even in print) like a retard. Scoobs cleaned up his act and now people take him more seriously. edit: the more I read this kid's post, the funnier Rainman's post gets to me. [ 10. July 2005, 22:34: Message edited by: Rocker ]
  14. If you are really interested in flying and military-related stuff, go to your school library and get some books (if people even still do that), or go online and start doing your own research. Check out fas.org or globalsecurity.org and learn some stuff. Look at the pictures and take the time to read about the airplanes. Obviously a lot of it probably won't interest you, but learn what the difference is between an F-15 and an F-14...stuff like that. Save up $100 and go get an introductory flight out at your local small airport. If you're interested in this stuff, then learn about it. And seriously, if you're for real, change your e-mail address right now.
  15. That was old school humor? I guess I'm now a crusty old bastard.
  16. One thing that that thread doesn't really mention specifically (and I'm no fighter pilot), is that your body will develop a tolerance to Gs. So just because you're not crazy about 3 Gs right now, when you start flying every day and pulling 5-6 Gs regularly (in a T-6 for example), it'll become a nonissue fast. Still important to stay well hydrated however and do your AGSM. I can't say how it gets up in the 8-9 G range, but I imagine it's still a matter of tolerance and AGSM.
  17. That AAFES one was good. USAF - Uncle Sam's Accounting Fiasco AMC - Allied Moving Company TLA - Three Letter Acronym
  18. I don't know when the first one was dropped, but it happens every now and then - maybe once a year or so. I think the last one was to a girl from Vance last year or the year before. No big deal for a UPT drop. It's not like it's a billion dollars or anything. Oh wait...
  19. Nothing beats repetition, but another good idea is to fill out the sheet in a different order. I've also found that it helps if you study the system and make your own notes with all associated numbers as you go through each system and really learn and understand what the numbers mean. You can always go old school and make flash cards. I did that for the 25 boldface items for the C-12 and it was effective.
  20. Rocker


    YOU MAY BE TOO HOOAH IF: 26. Your older kids call the youngest one "Cherry" or F-N-G. 27. Your kids recite their ABCs phonetically. That is awsome.
  21. Rocker


    Usually when I want to seach something, I just go onto some message board and ask others, so maybe one of them can search it for me and provide a convenient set of links for me to follow. Smarter not harder, right?
  22. Rocker


    I thought it was Formal Training Unit.
  23. c17wannabe doesn't fly C-17s, but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Seriously, dude, don't get in the habit of giving too much advice based only on what you've heard. That "better not plan on raising a family" nonsense is just silly. The ease or convenience of raising a family has nothing to do with your airframe. It has everything to do with how supportive, understanding, and how willing to deal with hardship your wife is (and you, really). We can all think of people who have trouble raising a family without being gone at all (military or not), and I know I can think of several folks I've known personally, flying for AFSOC and other jobs who've been gone A LOT and have raised very happy families.
  24. I'm going to have to give that guy an "E" overall. [ 20. April 2005, 21:09: Message edited by: Rocker ]
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