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About runnerdm6

  • Birthday 07/12/1985

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  • Location
    CAFB, MS

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  1. Does anyone have the contact information for Tulsa Community College? I was unsuccessful on Google. Thanks!
  2. Mine will be for EC-130s.
  3. Thanks so much iowa, that's a huge relief!
  4. My apologies if this was brought up previously, but the search function (and 15 min of reading old threads) did not work for me. Here's my situation: I am a FAIP at Columbus who is supposed to PCS in a week and a half. I did not realize that my TS security clearance had expired (now it's only secret), and MPF says they will not let me outprocess until it is fixed. This has the potential to push my TDY dates back by months. First off, I know, bad on me for not checking up on it earlier. I did not know the rules (this is my first renewal) and saw a bunch of my bros getting emails informing them when they were coming due and made the terrible assumption that I would get an email in advance of my clearance expiration. I submitted all of the required paperwork (E-QIP questionnaire) this afternoon to get the process started. My question is this: Has anyone encountered a similar situation and still been able to outprocess? I'm scheduled to go to Little Rock TDY enroute before I go to Davis Monthan for my PCS. Little Rock only requires a secret clearance. Maybe they could change it from TDY enroute to a TDY out and back before I officially outprocess from Columbus?
  5. FAQs:
  6. I tried searching and I'm pretty sure I read all the pages of this thread, but I couldn't find anything on Sonex. Anyone have any experience with them? They seem pretty sweet- cheap, simple, can take auto fuel, and aero-capable. Also, the website makes it out to be a fairly easy-to-operate tail-dragger (if you choose that option over the tricycle gear). If I missed some info somewhere, please point me in the right direction.
  7. Ipad kneeboard 1 Ipad kneeboard 2 Just thought I'd bring these to everyone's attention. Seems like it could cut back on the FOD risk during threat reaction/unusual attitudes
  8. Is this something they're thinking about doing permanently, or is it more of a one-time deal? As a T-1 stud, I know it's a long shot, but it'd be nice to know the B-2's a possibility down the road.
  9. You won't need 3 sets of ABUs. I brought 2 and that was fine.
  10. I figured this was semi-appropriate. This is CBM 11-09's class patch.
  11. I asked a finance LT at my base who has done some major detective work (calling headquarters, calling Laughlin, where this whole rumor started, etc.) on the matter- Bottom line, we're not going to get the money. It turns out there was a Captain at Laughlin spreading rumors that people got paid for this- that never happened and said Captain has been asked to quit spreading the rumor. I could use that money as much as the next guy, but it's not going to happen no matter how much I complain about it. Life goes on.
  12. I'll be getting a Hoyt Vulcan when I go home this weekend. I haven't shot in a while (college got in the way), so I'm pretty out of the loop right now. My dad's pretty big into archery, so he's setting me up with a package he assures me is good.
  13. Thanks everyone. You all saved me lots of phone call time.
  14. I tried searching "archery" and didn't get the answers I was looking for. If there's something I missed or if this should be part of another thread, please let me know. I'm wondering if anyone knows the rules for having a compound bow and equipment on base (or who I could contact to find out). Do I have to store it at the Armory like I would a gun? I'm at Columbus if that helps. Thanks!
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