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Everything posted by lilbigman

  1. I'm in
  2. Anyone have any information on the new NCOA at Sheppard?
  3. So I returned from my deployment to see the McConnell BX under renovations. I really wouldn't be saying anything except that it was under renovations when I left. They are adding a food court, GNC, and who knows that else in the BX. Guess my thoughts are: 1) Considering they have the space to build a new and better BX, and it would have been cheaper (yes, go figure that one out), why wouldn't they go with that plan instead of renovations. 2) If you are doing renovations to an already sad and pretty pathetic BX, wouldn't you want to make it somewhat BIGGER than what was originally there? For those that have been to or at this location, I would like to hear your thoughts on this. Personally, I use Sam's, Dillon's, and other locations besides the BX. Not going to say I wouldn't or don't utilize them, but if you are going to get a bigger military population to your business, aren't these two simple things you would consider? Thoughts
  4. Thanks scawtiedog and snizz for the info.
  5. I plan on it.
  6. Anyone have any updated information on base housing at McConnell AFB, KS? I will report around 21 January to the 349th and am trying to get an idea on any details staying on base (or off if on base sucks). Am qualified for a 4 bdrm
  7. Anyone have any updated information on base housing at McConnell AFB, KS? I will report in 21 January and am trying to get an idea on any details staying on base. Am qualified for a 4 bdrm
  8. What's the login info, team that was created for us.....etc, etc?
  9. Haven't played in a about 4yrs and was wondering if you had room for one more?
  10. Crew Dawg...how do you actually pay for the apartment if you decide to get one?
  11. Any good steak house? Not really into mexican food but can eat meat and potatoes all day.
  12. Yeah, I have enough retainability but I will check again tmrw. MPF here is......a little slow.
  13. Wow. How can I get luck like that then? What does IB mean? Slow on the uptake here. Also, did some calculating and the "one month prior to BBOC for orders" date puts me at May, which is when I start class. So, just wondering if I will be getting orders prior to my leaving.
  14. How hard is it to get Kadena after retraining into boom? My family has been there since March of last year due to my deployment. Just curious
  15. Was told I would get my assigment about a month prior to my BBOC class. I heard they are filling up the McConnell slots so I may get there. No biggie where I go really. Just want to enjoy what I am goi to be doing.
  16. Just an update on my end for my retraining beginning in May. I have 95% of my gear, car is primed and ready, I'm hyped as hell to begin, but I just keep laughing at the repot date to the class. It's on the 14th of May, which is nice considering it's on a Friday. The funny part is this will be the first time I have ever reported to a class at the end of the week. Yeah, I know, stupid, but funny as hell to me. Only time I was at Lackland was basic training, and I was ready to leave at that point and time. Screw sghtseeing. But now, of course, it's a little different. So anyone have any suggestions on places to eat, sightseeing tips, and my favorite, were to stay if they don't put me on base? I hear there are a lot of things to do and see there so I am definitely ready for my training to begin. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I may be adding on to this thread once I find out what airframe I will assigned to all, same questions again. Thanks in advance
  17. Anyone have an idea of when you are supposed to receive your follow-on assignment after getting class dates for being a boom? Is the process the same as doing your dream sheet and hoping you get what you want or is it the usual "military needs?" I already have class dates for BBOC EAUC SERE and Water Survival but no word on what airframe I will be on (is that something we find out during training and do you have a choice in the matter). I am also a retrainee (IFCS or GAC for short). Need any good or bad aspects please
  18. jsd641: yep, we are part of the group of four. I was lucky since my squadron actually tried to hold my paperwork up....AGAIN...so my slot would go to someone else. Are you at Kadena right now? I am here visiting my family and will be for the next two weeks (leave 9 Jan 09). Do you have any idea why I don't have my follow-on or when I should receive it? I contacted AFPC; they submitted my question but I haven't checked back for an answer yet. Prior to going on leave, they said the system went down so I am hoping whn I return I will have some type of news. What's your current career field? I am an avionics systems journeyman....GAC or IFCS for shor. Hope to hear from you soon
  19. Thanks for the quick response. I love this site. My classes (BBOC and EAUC) start in Lackland and SERE/Water Survival are at Fairchild. No information on the Altus portion though. Do you think the change to training locations has something to do with it? When should I recieve that part from AFPC? Who sends down the list of required equipment for training and when should I receive it? Know any books I read to get ready for everything? I went to the AETC site and it showed a big list but I forget where it was located at. Overall, how long do you think training will be (would like to work with the 135s since I used to work on that airframe) When I was deployed, the Wisconsin aircrew let me check out the boom area on the 135. Uh, not trying to sound weird, but do they make different size chairs for refueling? I layed down and only a small portion of my chest was on the seat (hope that is what you call it)
  20. I got approved for retraining to be a boom operator in August while I was deployed earlier this year. The class start date is May 2010. Does anyone know if my class date can be moved to an earlier start date? Currently, my squadron has me doing shop/flight chief duties since they know I am leaving; they won't even let me go TDY anymore even though my classes don't start until May. Any suggestions or ideas about this? Also, when should I receive a list of items that I need to get for my classes? I always hear people talking about how the waiting sucks; now I understand what they were talking about.
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