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  1. https://pfluger.house.gov August Pfluger. TX 11th Congressional District.
  2. We all know what happens when we find someone's open email... Check your sent items! Seriously though, crazy stuff.
  3. Yes, sick people with noticeable symptoms are probably staying home. But, how many asymptomatic sick people are not staying home and not wearing masks? Combine that with COVID guideline/policy inconsistencies, different personal interpretations of said guidelines and policies, and some people that just don't give a $h!t...that is why we find ourselves in this dumpster fire we're in.
  4. It would be great if sick folks would wear a mask. However, it is my opinion too many people believe masks infringe on their freedoms/too inconvenient combined with a lack of concern for others that many sick will NOT wear masks. Therefore, you need to CYA and wear your masks to avoid picking up their crud.
  5. Can't find the link, but I heard a reserve unit at Nellis was looking for folks to fly F-16 Aggressors.
  6. I fully understand the conversation, thank you. Well, you did say that muscle weighs more than fat. I understood what you were saying, but your statement was incomplete as stated.
  7. Not to be "that guy" but a minor point that muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat. Muscle is more dense, therefore 1 pound of muscle will take up less space than 1 pound of fat.
  8. My $0.02...I am in the midst of a home purchase using NBofKC for my VA loan. Best rates of anyone with good service so far. Thumbs up in my book.
  9. Thanks for all the help. AGR is what I was thinking but my biggest reservation with that offer is the uncertainty of flying. With no real strong desire for the airlines, not flying but still being able to retire in ~6 years and move on to something else does sound pretty good.
  10. Sorry for the long first post from a long time lurker, but I am in need of some advice. I am separating from active duty as a Major with close to 14 years of service. I have a couple full-time job offers in the Guard/Reserve, and I am having a difficult time making a decision. I have researched a lot on AGR vs ART and feel I am well-versed in the pros and cons of each. As for the offers, the first option is an ANG AGR position that is supposedly a flying position, but remains to be seen if I will actually do any flying due to needed requals or interfly agreements. The second option is an AFRES ART position that will indeed be flying. Both jobs are in the same area, but I am not sure if it is an area I want to settle in for the long term. I do not have a clear goal in mind of what I want to be when I grow up, but I would like to remain in the aviation field in some capacity. Undecided if I want to chase the airlines. I also have a young family to support. I realize the decision is mine to make, but I like to bounce it off of others to hear their opinions on the matter. Just curious what would you do if you were in the same position?
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