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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Those work well for smaller logs.
  2. TT, That is the difference between the old officer aristocracy. The current system of debt in America keeps people addicted to the next raise. Learjetter, Yes. ILoveScotch, Hmmm...so no bonus forces us to plan better bases, manage assignments, "treat people as our most valuable resource." I'd rather the Air Force got rid of bs than fight for higher bonuses in Congress.
  3. The bonus is the exact opposite of what made the Air Force. Mitchell had money which meant his decision calculus was probably am I making an impact and am I doing the right thing? Patton also received a one million dollar payout during his time at West Point, and did not want anyone to know. *sarcasm* These leaders succeeded because they always told leadership what they wanted to hear. People in the Air Force because they need or want the money IMHO make crappy leaders. Just enough bonus to be equal or competitive to the airlines...signed one year at a time. If people could always walk you would have good data as to why people leave or who is a bad leader.
  4. Yes. You can "trade" once a calendar month and always have a free return trip to G fund. With that you need a trading system that signals 1-2 a month. I want more info on the matching system. TSP is great for buy and hold but I cannot wait to dump all these never taxed gains into my option-able IRA. For the doubters in the forum, learning to trade is harder than going through pilot training, and in the market your instructors are trying to rob you blind. Trading long put and call options is one of the most aggressive but quickest ways to wealth for people in our line of work. I think people are going to hate 2016. It may even set off Boomernomics or the 4001st (k) crash, but that remains to be seen. Bottom line: you need a system that makes money in both up and down markets.
  5. One way employment contracts are illegal everywhere but the military. The only AFI hope is the "financial hardship" clause depending upon interpretation.
  6. Force shaping gutted the third assignment guys. You have a few true tanker guys, who returned from staff, but many O-4/5s are crossflow. They are good to have around but they lack the certainty in gk. Most defer to the second assignment Captain IPs because their gk is outdated or forgotten. This manifests in copilots who are not ready for upgrade, Q3's, and where did you learn that moments. Many IPs flying the line are young.
  7. Expect that but be pleasantly suprised when you get three rooms from the start or sometime into the deployment.
  8. The Buff but that requires a new crew position, not just slapping an ECM pod on a hard point. I would also imagine the previous 707 version of AF One has some system. Neither of these aircraft have a boom or larger engines which complicates the matter. I would usually say not worth it, but the soft kill of all the tankers would get attention (read money). Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. The only plans are the local plans to close/transfer/convert a squadron at McConnell and slowly move the iron. I imagine a plan similar to Grand Forks will occur once new jets are being delivered regularly.
  10. The SME should not be someone a thousand miles away with questionable experience, and currency. In AFCENT, the MEL waiver authority is the OG/CC per the OI for this reason among others. Now you are making local commanders talk and think about flying. Heaven forbid you need a waiver during the Monday staff meeting...have taken off late for this very reason. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. Two standard deviations below the general population, accounting for like demographics? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  12. Clark, I read the article the same way. This year I have had to pick up Martin Gilbert's History of the 20th Century twice. I cannot believe how people forget, but our enemies use history for valid TTPs. Where is the line in the sand? The current climate does not include Ukraine, but the Article 5 argument is strong. Thankfully these treaties are know, in contrast to the previous century. Russia and China have a better idea of what the US will fight over than our own people. I want to believe in the mission against IS, but I feel this is another regional conflict that takes our attention away from key actors. I have not been "briefed" so I question the credibility of the IS threat. Our intervention "validates" their twisted ideology; without our attacks, they are killing each other. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  13. He was clueless at the zoo as well. I appologize for allowing his entry into the Air Force. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  14. No thanks to one of the worst intel assessments. Those guys did a great job. Cool to hear what happened on the CV-22 to make it happen. The worst wounded would not be alive if it wasn't for the C-17 getting ready to depart Entebbe. Complete dumb luck. The alternate means of transport was a hail mary. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  15. You mean the big one in front of you? Anything else there is a CBT. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
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