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Everything posted by GMaster13

  1. Careful. That email says voluntary separation approved not voluntary separation PAY approved. My email specifically said voluntary separation pay approved. Looks like the ADSC waiver approval program instead. I do like how they have added the remarks regarding the SCROLL process. I'm finding this out the hard way and will most likely have a break in service (from AD to Reserves) as a result. For anyone interested in palace chasing or fronting to the Reserves talk to your in-service recruiter now to get the ball rolling. The Scroll process is currently bottlenecked at the approval authority taking several months.
  2. VSP approval email received from AFPC! 2002 11M No ADSC Applied 6 Feb. Best of luck to everyone! Mine was sitting at Referred to AFPC OFF Voluntary Separation Pay in CMS since 20 Feb.
  3. Who did the email come from? AFPC, FSS, or CC? I don't have a lot of confidence in email notifications right now. So were there any updates to his CMS or CDB?
  4. Even the Air Force Times is seeing the disconnect between Big Blue's words and actions. https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140320/CAREERS/303200051/Confusion-continues-over-TERA-VSP-application-approvals
  5. How was your buddy notified his application was denied? Email from AFPC or notified by CC?
  6. Yep. As of this past Friday, CMA shows my application has moved to "AFPC Voluntary Separation Pay Office".
  7. Hope not. Been there already and don't want to go back. Thanks for the other info though. Good luck!
  8. PSDMs 14-08 and 13-130 both refer to the Separations Program Services Delivery Guide. Does anyone know what Step 5 of 10 of the guide (pg 44) is referring to? "Step 5 of 10 - Select the "Yes" or "No" button concerning public property/funds. Enter the grade and name of the counselor in the box provided. Utilize the pop-up calendar and select the date counseled. The date counseled must be a previous date." What counselor? Is there a prerequisite counseling to apply for VSP?
  9. Enjoying a few Founders Porters while pre-gaming for the Superbowl. 45 IBUs. 6.5% Alc. I give it a 9/10!
  10. Actually it depends how far into your UPT commitment you are. An additional ADSC for requal or IP upgrade cannot exceed your original 10 yr ADSC. See AFI 36-2107 Table 1.1. Note 1b. "b. All manned or unmanned pilots, navigators, and air battle managers who began aviation service after 30 September 1997 will not incur any additional Advanced Flying Training (AFT)/Instructor Qualification ADSCs which extend beyond 6 or 10 years as applicable, of continuous or cumulative rated service. Rated service begins at the completion of training and awarding of wings for the rated specialty. They will still incur Permanent Change of Station (PCS), Professional Military Education (PME), and other non-AFT related ADSCs."
  11. Okay maybe this emailed copy of 13-130 I'm looking at is trash. I havent seen the released 14-08. Good point on the times too! Would be nice to know.
  12. I'm seeing two different VSP application start dates in the updated PSDM 13-130. Page 1 and attachment 10 indicate 6 Feb. Attachments 1 & 6 show 7 Feb. So which one is it? I know AFPC is saying the VSP is not "first come/first served". But my gut tells me when the flood gates open I want be one of the first to click 'Submit'.
  13. Thanks for the info! I'll definately take a look at 36-3205.
  14. Catbox, Sorry, I know your post is a couple years old. How did your situation turn out? I'm going through a similar situation. ALC (C-1) and therefore "ineligible" to palace front to ANG/AFRC. In-service recruiters run as soon as your mention an ALC and the docs don't seem to know what it takes to remove an ALC.
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