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  1. Mine is currently referred to the wing commander.
  2. I refreshed the separations page.
  3. At work and finally got my application to go through. Took about an hour of refreshing and reopening to finally overcome the PPA error.
  4. Glad AFPC waited until the 11th hour to ensure all the VSP stragglers could officially notify their commanders to fulfill the counseling requirement. F&@k it. Submitting anyway.
  5. Thanks for the response. Even the MPF commander at my base had never heard the term 'core' AFSC, only control, duty and primary AFSC. So my next question is does anyone think this core AFSC Clause also applies to 11Xs in UAVs? Trying to weed through this one...
  6. "15. Crossflow Training: All officers’ Core AFSCs will be locked down on (RRF Acct Date). However, officers selected to crossflow to non-targeted AFSCs will be re-cored upon selection for training, therefore becoming ineligible to meet the RIF board. If an officer is already in training and subsequently eliminated from the training he/she will be returned to his/her previous Core AFSC. If eliminated prior to (RRF Allocation Date), he/she will be eligible to meet the RIF board and will have an RRF completed if otherwise eligible. If eliminated from training after (RRF Allocation Date), the officer will not be made eligible for the RIF board. For officers selected to crossflow to targeted AFSCs, their Core AFSC will not be changed from those locked in system on (RRF Acct Date). This process allows the officers to meet the board in their previous Core AFSCs where they have a record of performance. Even if an officer graduates from training prior to the start of the board, he/she will not be re-cored until after the RIF board adjourns." Does anyone know what a 'core' AFSC is as opposed to Duty and Primary AFSC and in what scenario the above statement applies?
  7. Absolutely. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Disagreed. All our IP upgrades were 2nd assignment guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'm a tanker gal married to a different tanker guy. We are stationed over 6000 miles apart. Did our first assignment apart (3 years) and the functional was so helpful and accommodating he hooked us up with a UAV assignment to creech so we could 'be together' working opposite days and shifts. My advice to you? Get in the same airframe. You can forget it heavy to fighter and even heavy to heavy can become a nightmare with sequestration- there are no funds for cross flow if you aren't an instructor pilot in your airframe already which takes atleast 4-5 years to attain. If you have more questions PM me directly. My husband and I were rock stars in our units and our commanders were dialoguing to get us together and it didn't make a bit of difference, to UAVs we go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I think the writing is on the wall. Congress has already shown they are willing and able to cut our retirement, entitlements and benefits. Having been a nation at war for over a decade, our military is tired. People are tired of the constant deployments, constant PCSs and fear of going to crap assignments and locations. The powers that be don't even want to compensate us for the frequent and significant sacrifices we have made to 'serve' this nation. I fortunately have had some amazing leaders at the squadron level but I wouldn't follow most senior leaders to the bathroom, much less to the battlefield. Senior leaders keep us busy with queep, inspections, complex policies and continue to make it harder and harder to advance without butt snorkeling and stepping on everyone around you to get to the top for the prize of the almost past tense 'retirement'. Well since congress showed their cards, I'm ready to show mine. I'm burnt out on working harder than those around me to end up sitting at a desk, not flying, afraid of another non-flying assignment all at the risk of retirement not even being around when I can actually collect it and benefits being compromised - essentially nothing to show for living a life that is unstable and unpredictable. I can surely see why the most intelligent and hard working leaders leave!-- and then to tell us you will cut 25,000 Airmen so those of us remaining can bear the burden when they are gone.. Continuing the cycle of doing "more" BS with less, no thank you! Like others have said, I have served my country, it's time to move on to do something different; Be at home with my family, be able to have children without feeling my stratification is at risk by doing so, actually fly an airplane, not spend 40+ hours a week at a desk doing queep and additional duties, not deploy, not PCS and not worry about getting screwed over by lazy functionals who just want to fill a billet. To be honest with you, id leave the Air Force for free. This is a different Air Force than even my parents served in. When my 10 years are up the Air Force won't even be able to pay me to stay. As people have cited, there's a real issue with the quality of today's military senior leaders. With the Exception of General Welsh who has proved to be an exceptional leader, the fact remains, he is is only one man. There is so much disfunction on so many levels in the AF it is starting to become clear to even the lowest levels. I would still like to serve in the guard or reserve in some capacity but I like many others do not feel the cost benefit analysis of staying on active duty given the lengthy list of sacrifices tax payers ask of us passes the dummy check. My husband, also a pilot feels the same. We have both seriously fantasized about vsp since word was released. Good luck continuing to recruit a future volunteer force with the conundrum and debacle we have come to know as the Air Force. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks, any more pointers on any other documents that should be attached? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. For people who have submitted vsp, have any of you guys gotten to the page where it says you have to attach a supporting document and it won't let you submit without it? What did you submit? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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