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Everything posted by flyingbimmer

  1. I was a nav in the RC-135 for 6 years, and I don't think there was really a difference in QOL or deployment rotations between nav/EWO, or if there was then it was better for the navs because we never complained about it! Honestly the two jobs are very different so you should base your decision on which part of UCT you liked best: the instruments and navigation or the beeps and squeaks. Also, you need to consider how much you like Star Trek, and if you're willing to talk to the 2 other EWOs about it for 12 hours at a time.
  2. Uncertain, as I'm just a student and am not privy to those types of conversation. Sorry!
  3. Here's the -38 drop. Better late than never: 1 x F-22 2 x F-15C (1 guard) 1 X F-15E 2 X F-16 (1 guard) 1 X C-130J Yokota 1 X C-17 Charleston I don't remember every T-1, but it was also a good drop. A U-28, T-6, multiple C-17's and C-130's, KC-135's to great locations, etc.
  4. I'm at Vance. The start dates for new guys seems to be totally random but there are populated class lists out to 17-09. So after that for sure if your RNLTD was the end of November. Edited for clarity.
  5. My RNLTD was 30 Nov and I start class mid February. The wait is longer than some of the other guys picked up on the last active duty board so YMMV but it gives you an idea of what to expect.
  6. "The stench of stale urine lingered in the air as 27 airmen from Offutt Air Force Base’s 55th Wing climbed aboard the RC-135V Rivet Joint jet late in the afternoon of April 30, 2015". -so accurate
  7. My thoughts exactly as I read the article. Local legend says that one of the dorms was specifically built to house the RC folks however once it was built the agreement changed and we are forever to stay in the CC. Whatever it's better there anyways...
  8. ^^ yea you're probably right. That's ok I can be patient!
  9. I also had to call the AFPC dude because my wife is mega-preg at this point. He told me it was going to be about a year until I get a RIP and confirmed that academy grads don't need to go for a MFS. I don't think that it will actually be a year. Talking to pilots who have gone through this process it seems we should expect RIPs next month and training to start this summer sometime. When I talk to current UPT studs, their advice is enjoy the free time we have left, which I intend to do!
  10. Academy grad here and my FC1 says "medically qualified" rather than "complete pending MFS". It's probably for the best they don't evaluate our mental states...
  11. I got it too! Good times. Glad to hear other people are getting good news.
  12. Great info, thanks. I wonder if my sq/cc will have the chance to give me the good or bad news before I see it tomorrow morning!
  13. The results are being pushed to the end of the month to ensure we receive the news with adequate mustaches.
  14. I've heard of someone getting that email, but I have not received it.
  15. Word on the street is that there were 8 ENJJPT slots this year.
  16. The PDSM said that commanders need to be ready to release selectees for a RNLTD in April, so I think (hope) that the notification will be quick.
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