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Everything posted by lossofclocklossofdata

  1. Anyone notice that the band AFSC is red across the board? Definitely can't lose that experience and expertise, but we certainly don't need all these pilots sitting around not flying. Maybe our motto should be "Play, listen, enjoy" instead of "Fly, fight, win."
  2. Interesting. And that was with the assumption you would get handed back to your FAM after? I think that's why ours stays. We're considered on an "alpha" or career broadening tour, but go back to our functional when we hit the VML. Similar to a white jet tour.
  3. 18S is for the pipeline student Undergrad RPA Training (URT). 11U is the core flag for UPT grads who fill an RPA slot straight out of pilot training. Previous MWS folks keep their core flag unless they recat but everyone's primary and duty AFSC become 18S.
  4. Waiting for the first 11M in an 18S billet to get denied. I'm guessing there's a lot of us.
  5. Total dollar amount for all classes or just the most recent? Seems weird I would pay based on classes I took 4 years ago and already ran the commitment on.
  6. Exact statement from previous PSDMs for enlisted programs. Maybe a formality but I don't think it applies to VSP or TERA like it states. For example an enlisted guy with less than 6 yes in service was not eligible for vsp but could elect to separate voluntarily instead of meeting the ERB. In this case he would have to pay back GI transfer. TA recoupment required?
  7. https://www.af.mil/mobile/News/tabid/252/Article/475225/april-3-pulse-on-af-force-management.aspx Information. What a novel idea.
  8. I would think core flag might be more useful than RDTM or AFSC for 11's unless we want to keep referencing 11-412.
  9. Starting to lose composure. Like waiting in line at the DMV watching everyone else pass you by only to find out they now require three proofs of address to process your app and are closing in 5 min. WhyTF can't they figure out this ADSC bulls#!*? Step 1. Look up reg governing waiver authority. Step 2. Ask authority to make decision. Step 3. Tell everyone decision. Step 4. Happy or sad consumption of alcohol.
  10. The overage matrix was for RIF and because they pushed it to Oct and don't have guidance for the new program they removed the matrix even though it was useful for predicting VSP numbers. What's frustrating is that they said they were going to release updated quantifiable numbers and just gave us an eligibility matrix with little change. Even more maddening, the first line says "overages have changed." Enlisted however have an updated matrix because ERB is still a go.
  11. It doesn't tell us shit. What's your AFSC/yr go and I'll let u know if you are still eligible.
  12. Matrix is up "There are adjustments to the overages throughout this matrix." Did anyone review this piece of shat before they published it? It's a voluntary program eligibility matrix. Still no overage RIF matrix since they took it down in Feb.
  13. Maybe the TERA and VSP forum should part ways. Might have to start a tracker to keep track of who applied for what so I don't get a tingling in my loins every time a TERA gets approved.
  14. My exact thoughts. Somewhere at AFPC....."What did we say? 05-08 yr groups? (Counts on fingers) So I'm getting 6 yr ADSCs left, is that what you got?"
  15. Might have been 600 so far they just haven't been notified yet. I give my above info about 60% accuracy. I wasn't there and the people I talked to weren't completely current on the developments to date so their interpretation may have been way off base. I wanted to give partial info. As they say sometimes half an answer is better than no answer. Big news is it sounds like some kind of new info will be dropped on myPers tomorrow at which point everything I've just said will be proven wrong.
  16. In addition Gen Cox supposedly said they will be posting metrics on mypers tomorrow breaking down the applications so far and maybe an updated matrix?
  17. Talked to a friend at SOS. Bare in mind this is from a guy who didn't apply for VSP, so probably slept for half the speech, but it sounds like Gen Cox gave more generic BS with a few gold nuggets. Discussed numbers of applicants, eligibles and possibly numbers to get approved. Sounded like approx 2000 officers applied with 1400 eligible and they will approve approx 600. He also talked about UPT ADSCs. Said they originally had authority to waive up to 1 yr but had received delegated authority to waive up to 6. He was kind of unclear on these details but he was sure about the 6 yr number.
  18. Thank goodness. I can stop pounding zanax now
  19. K. I'm a little slow on the uptake. Which of the last 7 seven posts are legit? I doubt many of us are in the mood for tomfoolery on this subject but I'll throw out a courtesy laugh just to get clarification on the above info.
  20. MyPers, my account at top, one of the incidents should have the SOU missing cm if you received an email about it missing. Click on a vsp/tera related incident and it should be attached as a pdf. Also "my documents" on bottom left should have it.
  21. 6 years makes sense if they actually want to cut pilots back to the '08 year group like the matrix that was taken down shows. First shred of common sense being applied however it appears to be WOM at this point.
  22. And the healthcare.gov deadline next week for when we get tricare bennies turned off.
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