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Everything posted by lossofclocklossofdata

  1. "REFERRED TO BASE AD UNIT." I'm guessing that means no movement yet.
  2. No, I haven't. Most of the pilots in my unit are 18X's now. The other 2 guys that are eligible were not from C-17 and either have O-4 line numbers or aren't wanting to get out.
  3. Considering PC now in expectation of VSP getting denied (05' 11M in RPA). Are you required to have a unit lined up in order to put in a PC app? I just hit 35 months since my last C-17 flight. Wondering if it will be harder to pick up a slot at JBLM Reserve if they have to pay for me to get a full requal at Altus instead of a local?
  4. Same info I got from TFSC phone call. Let's hope it's true and they don't figure what ADSCs aren't waiverable first.
  5. Well if what she told me is true than the whole rule about "if you are eligible for involuntary programs then you are eligible for voluntary programs" makes more sense. Maybe we all want AFPC to fail harder so we can continue to sports bitch on these forums. Trying to stay optimistic but I do enjoy the banter at their expense. Made that health care discovery today. Luckily with obamacare her preexisting pregnancy issue can't deny us coverage. Though it will be expensive. Anyone know if we can change our original DOS request? I was so happy to just get on the application that I didn't fully think about the timeline. Put 1 Aug. If I go back to 29 sep it may be covered. 17 sep due date. Is it worth 2 more month at cannonanistan?
  6. I suppose so since you would fall under the 14-08 PSDM and therefore the ADSC exclusion. Sorry, best guess.
  7. HOT****Just got off the phone with total force service again. Finally got some helpful info. She said that if you are eligible for the RIF than 13-130 is the ONLY PSDM that applies to you. 14-08 is only for those not eligible. 13-130 has no such statement about referencing 13-65 for ADSC waivers. It's back on! Now how do I find good health insurance under obamacare? Wife is pregnant and due after separation.
  8. Did you refresh the separations page or the error page?
  9. Been refreshing for the last hour to no avail. And they knew their system was insufficient 3 weeks ago
  10. Trying to due the same, but unfortunately the healthcare.gov IT team that was hired by AFPC hasn't figured out how to fix a simple error that was identified on 14 Jan.
  11. vMPF self service actions, voluntary separation right?
  12. I get nothing when I select "voluntary separation"?
  13. Looks like 11M was removed from the FY14 Palace Chase exclusion list in the new PSDM 13-65. Does anyone have the old copy handy where 11M was excluded. These notes make more sense now. Why pay someone when you can put them back on the bench. I'm tired, so may be seeing shit. NOTE 2: The Air Force Reserve is currently 500 pilots and 160 CSOs short with numerous operational vacancies in C-130 and KC-135 aircraft. If unable to locate the local ISR, call 1-800- 257-1212 or navigate to https://afreserve.com. NOTE3: The Air National Guard currently has numerous pilot positions available as well as Operations/Liaison positions. Officers should contact their local In-Service Recruiter, call 1-800- TOGOANG, or navigate to https://GOANG.com/Careers.
  14. Has anyone seen the slides from the DCO on the 30th that they were supposed to post within 48hrs?
  15. Does the application go to AFPC as soon as you click "finish" or not until your CC writes his BS comments? If it has to go through the CC first before AFPC gets it, that gives the CC a loophole in the process. "No need to rush this guys, just take your time, talk to your families and we'll work through it together. We have until May 1st to get 'your' wishes turned in. Oh, AFPC met their quota and you didn't get accepted? I didn't see that coming. You just didn't get selected. No one to blame but the big bureaucratic amoeba that is AFPC. Sorry, better luck next time. Now get back to the mission I have a star to make.”
  16. "Commanders, supervisors, agencies, units or organizations are not authorized to delay, divert or disapprove applications under this program" for all of the programs covered, however PSDM 14-08 does state commanders "Must make a recommendation in the commander’s justification portion of the web-based on-line application no later than 1 May 14." So...does that mean they won't review your application until your CC leaves his/her comments, which could put you in the very last "batch" in May after the program may have met its quota?
  17. I would think that is definitely enough for an 11M in RPA to get withheld.
  18. If the vsp is purely a numbers administration program like the mypers Q&A explains, does that mean CC's don't have any input to affect the application? They could just slow roll an app.
  19. True. That's what I was getting at since most if not all 05-08 yr group will have more than 2 yrs ADSC left which I don't think they are waiving for ongoing palace chase.
  20. I'm in the exact same situation. Talked to RPA functional and base force management POC. Both confirmed the verbiage in the matrices that says "11x will be determined by RTDM code" so if like me your core is GJ or other variant of 11M core ID, you are eligible for VSP and RFF. Not for palace chase though. 11X is blocked for that program. Haven't seen anything that states whether or not vsp will have to be paid back if you subsequently get a guard/reserve position after separation. Anyone?
  21. Will you have an airdrop mission or strictly airland? Been in RPA at cannon for last three years after leaving chs as an ACAD and taking a long look at VSP. Anyone know the mins for entry level airline? I only had 1500 hrs c17 and only 200 of that was PIC.
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