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Everything posted by FBomb

  1. Not entirely true. About 815 '03 majors will not have 1 yr TIG by the date the board convenes and are not eligible. That means about 2/3s of the 03 year group will bear the entire cut burden. Additionally due to the line number distributions that means USAFA grads will be bearing a higher burden too.
  2. Any new PSDMs to accompany the slides?
  3. https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/sfh/203k/203k--df HUD home improvement loan.
  4. Is anyone able to check MyPers to see if the new RIF slides were posted as has been promised in the last two "Pulse on Force Management" articles? The AF portal and MyPers are down for non-.mil domain users currently.
  5. Thats for FSB eligibles, not RIF eligibles.
  6. Phrases don't help you on boards. Concrete strats do.
  7. Nothing is updated. The red/blue matrix is the one they released on the 17th of last week (you know, the one they released too late to let folks know they weren't eligible anymore for the new TERA window that opened on the 15th).
  8. PSDM 14-08, VSP, was also updated. Looks like major changes to the rules WRT deployments and 365's. EDIT: Changes have also been made to the new ADSC waiver table previously posted on MyPers. Looks like recoupment will now be required for any AFIT/AAD's paid for by big blue. Note says that HAF is in the process of approving/disapproving waiver to this policy.
  9. 600 VSPs will be approved? The last numbers I saw estimated about 1900 Majors alone gone by the end of FY15 (might have been an AF Times article though). Sounds like the promise from James and Welsh to let volunteers go won't be honored...
  10. I had a 365 from '08-'09. The only gotacha I know of is moving your family at the government's expense during your year gone (which I did, and which they will offer you). That automatically bars you from getting a follow-on, no exceptions (no matter how much sense it makes to PCS you somewhere else).
  11. We managed to corner a member of my DT today in a brief and got a few straight answers out of him. My understanding is that A1 and/or AFPC is under the gun to release the RIF matrices and associated guidance by the end of this month. If they fail, the RIF board date must be delayed again (supposedly driven by a legal requirement of 6 months between guidance/eligibility and the board itself).
  12. Revalidation fun coming to a base near you,.. https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/474979/airmen-must-revalidate-dependents.aspx
  13. I love how he still manages to slam AFPC while addressing a totally unrelated topic.
  14. Firings in USAFE. Maybe someone in AFPC or A1 is next. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/03/17/air-force-sacks-two-commanders-in-europe.html?comp=7000023317843&rank=3
  15. Good luck getting Chang now. BG Grosso moved on from Director, Force Management Policy to head of the SAPR office on 31 Jan of this year (hmm wasn't that about a week before the bait and switch on 5 Feb....). My guess is some career SES is in charge now and "helping" all us poor blue suiters through these troubling times, and Chang doesn't want to add to his -20 reputation points. https://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/108666/brigadier-general-gina-m-grosso.aspx CORRECTION: Chang has -20 points, not -19
  16. How does AFPC have the authority to order AFCENT to do anything? This policy was clearly written by a bunch of desk jockeys who have never deployed. During my last excursion to AFG I was working 18-20 hour shifts and lucky to get 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night. Soda/coffee/energy drinks were a necessity. If they were really concerned about health issues they would be focusing on things like burn pits, electric diesel generators next to hooches, filthy (read: not hygienic) TCNs working at the DFACs, etc (but those aren't AFPC's purview IMHO either).
  17. And they were kind enough not extend the TERA or VSP window because, after all, it wasn't their fault everything was put on hold to actually figure out who was eligible and who wasn't. Is anyone able to check MyPers and see if any of the charts, PSDMs, etc have been updated?
  18. Holy shit, I finally googled Lt Col Tater Tots. Further proof our PME system is broken!
  19. "Senior Leaders Challenge Airmen to Reaffirm Commitment to Core Values" https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/473713/senior-leaders-challenge-airmen-to-reaffirm-commitment-to-core-values.aspx We thats it folks. That should fix everything, time to shut this thread down. Leading by webpage, who knew?
  20. https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/473697/voluntary-application-processing-continues-during-force-management-pause.aspx AFPC still taking and approving VSP apps...for those eligible (whatever that means).
  21. Update https://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/03/11/discipline-in-nuke-cheating-scandal-coming-soon.html?comp=7000023317843&rank=1
  22. I've heard its a combination of things: 1. Big blue realized that the FY restrictions imposed by congress on reducing the size of the force include all voluntary and involuntary measures, not simply the RIF board, and thus needed to spread actions across FY14 and FY15. 2. Only pilots were applying for VSP, virtually no non-rated line officers did. 3. The numbers of pilots were so overwhelming (i.e. far more applied than there were VSP slots) that AFPC had no criteria or rules established to decide who stays and who goes.
  23. The labs do not use the GS system, but rather something called "Lab Demo". The system allows AFRL to pay their specialized scientists and engineers like 14s/15s without the supervisory requirement. Even those in management use the Lab Demo system too. There are a scant few GS personnel here and there, but the lab is run by those in Lab Demo. While not perfect (or even easy), Lab Demo is lightyears ahead of the GS system in terms of holding personnel accountable and directly tying promotion, bonuses, etc to job performance.
  24. Curious how AF.mil's take on the SecAF's comments make no mention of a reduction from the 25,000 number. AF Times strikes again. https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/473436/secaf-discusses-air-force-future-budget-during-defense-summit.aspx
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