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JBueno last won the day on March 19 2020

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Tac airlifter here. I’m assuming the orange tails are drones, but they can be flown in-cockpit, too?
  2. Chairfly, but not the whole sortie. Break it down into individual movements or procedures. Think of it like drills in sports, or reps in the gym: 3 x cloverleaf 2 x HILO entry to an ILS 4 x vis pattern 2 x ground ops Breaks are key. No way we’d spend 12 solid hours studying. At check ride time, chairfly those beginning to end. Double check on actual check ride day, but having a good idea what the frequencies, altitudes, or headings are will help. Unrelated to studying but I had a set of pilot wings above my door that I’d see for motivation.
  3. Plenty of parents and kids willing to pay out of state tuition to join the “we” club mentioned above.
  4. Every time I hear the portal referenced in college sports, I imagine the Air Force Portal dumpster fire we all go through on a daily basis. Can’t imagine the result if it was built the same.
  5. If I’m not mistaken, one ironic thing about “circling” at Midway was that it wasn’t uncommon to fly well outside the circling mins to like a four mile final.
  6. Some crazy shiite going on. Let’s not forget our brothers and sisters downrange and their families stateside. Say a prayer, raise a glass, give them a holler…do what you do.
  7. Wild to see this thread come full circle.
  8. If it went swimmingly do you think we’d be giving him all, or any of the credit?
  9. I was thinking places to store humanitarian aid and supplies, and people to man and distribute. It’s probably the typical battle of alphabet agencies over who’s in charge anyway.
  10. Is Hawaii using the ANG out there to haul people or aid? It seems like they have a refugee and recovery situation on their hands but pictures don’t show much iron. Anyone in the islands hearing any scuttlebutt?
  11. Be a good dude to every Guard slug you meet.
  12. This stuff is definitely maddening, but it’s easy to make the big things the boogeyman while ignoring the small issues. Plenty of local BS at the squadron level that gets ignored by leaders clamoring about how bad CSAF-level decision are. Control what you can control. For those still in, we aren’t about to fix Pentagon-level crap. Look around your squadron, take a look in the mirror, and go fix some shit. Plenty of people in your charge are depending on it.
  13. Check out The White Coat Investor, Dr. Jim Dahle. He’s got a very clear explanation, including screen shots of the 8606. https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/backdoor-roth-ira-tutorial/ Don’t forget a non-working spouse can still have a spousal IRA, which can also be a back-door Roth.
  14. I've heard of people hired by ANG units that will do a test-run with the ANG med group, look for any potential gotchas, before going to Brooks/MEPS/Whatever the flavor of today is. Also a good reminder and a perfect time to do all the research possible about depth perception and the myriad other tests you'll go through.
  15. Anyone know what a political commentator makes at CNN/Fox/MSNBC?
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