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Everything posted by MARSPP

  1. MARSRADIO, the civilian HF service backup to HFGCS enjoyed communicating with Air Force One today. A member of their team, MSGT, was retiring and this was his last flight. Approximate 12 MARSRADIO operators briefly talked to AF1 with best wishes in his retirement after 20 years. “On behalf of Air Force MARSRADIO, we congratulate you on your retirement. We wish you blue skies and clear frequencies in for your future.” (MARSRADIO Squadron Commander) There is increased activity in the western Pacific supporting flights between Hawaii, Guam, Wake Island, Japan and Fiji. We are still optimistic that we will get a remote station in the Mariannas by the middle of the summer. The net averages 20 hours of support daily with calls from around the globe.
  2. Propagation has been depressing considering we are at the peak of the solar cycle. Maybe next time. There is no beacon to show when the frequency is open. Maybe listen for WWV on 10 and 15 mHz. I doubt there is any propagation into CONUS if you don't hear those. Satphones are fine. We are a backup. A number of our patches are from people who are unable to get their satphones to work. for whatever reason. It helps that we still support Morale calls and requests for scores, etc., especially during games like the Superbowl. It is a thrill for our operators when Air Force One calls in, on a fairly regular basis, to radio check. Thank you for trying and we appreciate all of your dedication and work. We understand being away from family and enjoy being able to do morale calls. Calls to young adults are the best. Hope we can assist you in the future.
  3. An update concerning MARSRADIO. An unclassified HF communications backup is reserved for active DoD and Federal Agencies. The net is still very active guarding its frequencies for calls. In the first half of this year, there were just under 2000 requests for phone patches, METAR/TAF weather, message, radio, and SELCAL checks. Additionally, there have been a few requests for updated Avian Hazard information. We were excited about the possibility of improvement in our global coverage with the peak of the solar cycle. Unfortunately, there has been a huge number of strong solar storms that reduce coverage. Some requests have been heard from the Western Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East. A REACH aircraft was 5 x 5 sitting on the tarmac in Iraq just the other day. The net can still make CONUS, international and DSN telephone calls. We are attempting to set up remote sites in the western Pacific and Alaska. This is a long and difficult process for a volunteer group with no DoD budget, but it is consistent with the volunteer’s desire to do as much as possible for communications backup. Those interested in using the phone patch service should take the opportunity to register patch information ahead of time. A “phone code” service was initiated for morale calls so personal information would not be disclosed over the air. Phone codes have also been issued for Official patches. Visit hfmars.us for the registration form. Keep your information private. Provide the operator with your phone code. They will enter the code and have their computer form populated with all the required information to make the call including alternate numbers. The net is known for using 13.927 mHz as a calling frequency. Keep 7.6335 mHz in mind for an alternate calling frequency, especially with solar conditions. Some MARSRADIO stations also maintain a guard on 4.457 mHz and 11.407 mHz. No answer on 13? Call on 7 due to the propagation being different. MARSRSADIO can be contacted through marsradioglobal.us/contact. To the active members on here, we hope that you have a safe flight and do not need us. We are there if you do.
  4. Propagation is improving our worldwide coverage. Recent patches include Iraq, England, North Africa and South Korea. We recently created a video describing the basics of doing an Official and Morale phone patch including setting up the radio. Hope you find it useful. https://youtu.be/s_67j_VP8NA
  5. Yes, I've heard that and changed the protocol for morale introduction. "Hello, this is (name) with Air Force MARSRADIO. I have (your first name) on the radio and he would like to talk to you." Do the briefing, etc after that. Confusion is bad enough, but often the first thought from the party on the phone is "What's wrong." I would suggest that anyone who might make a morale call put the phone number 469-718-2300 in their contacts. The majority of calls will come from that number. Also, we now have a more private way to get the patch. Go to https://hfmars.us. You can register as many numbers as desired. The form will ask for all information we need to complete the patch and you will receive a phone code. Provide that code to the operator who will get all the information, including phone number, on his screen so that information does not have to be transmitted over the air. Hope we do better next time. Our members enjoy doing the more personal morale patches. Thanks for the input.
  6. That was mean, but sounds like something I would do. The advantage of being a civilian auxiliary allows us to veer away from fixed protocol. We are professional when we are handling traffic, but other times can introduce a more human factor. Thanks.
  7. MARSRADIO continues to provide free HF communications for land, air and sea DoD assets as authorized by DoDi 4620.02. We want to say a big THANK YOU to our military, active and retired, for your service to our country. Come up to our net for any assistance that we can supply. In addition to regular official and morale phone patches, we have handled in-flight emergencies and even provided sports scores. It is all about supporting you. While still spotty, conditions are improving into Europe, Africa and the Pacific.
  8. MARSRADIO frequencies are in the PDF.



  9. MARSRADIO, ex-phone patch net, provides Official / Morale phone patches, radio checks and METAR / TAF information for DoD units. Operators of the net are volunteer. For those that may be flying tomorrow, 24 February (1500z - 1800z), I'm asking you to considering calling in on our net and wish Ray AFZ5RS a happy 99th birthday. Ray has dedicated his life to the military in one form or the other. He was a pilot in World War II and has been an active member of the MARS phone patch net since before the Vietnam War. We would like to left him know he is appreciated for his service. Here is a flyer about the "operation". If possible, post in your operations area for others to see. I cannot say enough about Ray, his dedication and his professionalism. Thanks, Richard Duncan Commander, 1st AFMARS Special Operations Group Air Force MARS. 16th Air Force 11AFMS AFZ5RS Birthday.pdf
  10. The Air Force MARS Phone Patch Net has been operational since the Vietnam War. Hundreds of patches daily were handled through the early 80’s when bases starting closing their MARS stations. Today the net is tasked to handle DoD patch requests in support of transports, tankers, bombers and other aircraft and ground units handling routine weather, ETA/Customs, maintenance, etc. calls as well as emergency support. Morale calls are still happily handled. For more information see the website below. In the fall of 2014 the Chiefs of AF & Army MARS approved joint operations with AF and AR MARS stations participating. Chief Air Force MARS has approved a re-designation of the legacy AFMARS Phone Patch Network (aka - PPN) to the nomenclature of “MARSRADIO”. For operational reasons, amongst others, to offer nomenclature continuity to DoD customers / users this change has been made. Effective this time / date, PPN ceases to exist as an operational entity and is replaced as MARSRADIO. MARSRADIO is recognized as a global service authorized by the DoD that supports HF phone patch request and equipment checks (voice and SELCAL) as a backup to other communication services. If there are any questions, need more information, please contact the network manager directly. Richard Duncan, AFN6P (N6P) afn6p@marsradioglobal.us https://marsradioglobal.us Note: Propagation has been very poor lately and calls may be missed due to that. If unable to reach on 13.927 MHz suggest try 7.6335 MHz. Both frequencies are monitored.
  11. The Air Force MARS phone patch net supports all DoD, Federal and State agencies providing HF radio to telephone interfacing. We have increased our monitoring due to hurricane Matthew and would like to remind pilots / operations that we are available to handle Official (and Morale) HF phone patch to DSN or commercial numbers. Specific information is in the Flight Information Pilot (FLIP) document. Please feel free to contact me or the net via https://marsphonepatch.net for any further information. PhonePatchNetBooklet.pdf
  12. The HF phone patch net handles official (commercial or DSN) and morale patches as well as radio checks for DOD stations worldwide with good propagation conditions. Cost of the phone calls are covered by the individual member. The MARS Phone Patch Net website has been redesigned for easier viewing and includes an article on net procedures and operation. There is a training video available as well as a flyer that can be posted to provide information to aircrews. Questions or requests like access to the FOUO video and current frequencies can be made through the contact form. The request should include a .mil email address. The website is at https://marsphonepatch.net It is our privilege and honor to support those who serve our country. Richard / AFN6PP Mars Phone Patch Net Manager
  13. There are several things to keep in mind when using MARS Radio: Call on the primary frequency first. All MARS stations monitor the primary frequency both day and night. The secondary frequency is night US Time or when you are close to the MARS station and he can not hear you on the primary frequency. Some MARS station monitor the primary and secondary frequency at the same time. Give your approximate location if not classified. The MARS station can often improve reception if the operator knows which way to aim the antenna. Having the antenna pointed correctly can make the difference between "Loud and Clear" and "Weak, Barely Readable". The location does not have to be specific. The state or country if not the US or Canada is sufficient. The MARS station might give his location and ask which direction you are from him. Call multiple times. To avoid confusion, the only station that will answer you on the first call is the "Net Control" station. If "Net Control" does not hear you, other stations will respond after your second radio call. Also, if you are answered by an operator other than the net control, he will usually first contact the NCS to see who will handle your patch. Talk distinctly. Another station may be assigned to you based on your location and rotation of the operators. EXAMPLE RADIO CALL: "MARS RADIO. MARS RADIO, REACH 123, NORTH ATLANTIC, OVER" If after calling several times you do not get any response, you may wish to try again in 30 minutes when propagation may be different or try the secondary frequency. You may be moved to another frequency for better communication or if there is active traffic on the primary. Please pass this information on to other crews.
  14. Members have from simple to large stations. I have a fairly large station with six HF transceivers, four HF power amplifiers and an array of antennas to cover all HF frequencies as well as VHF/UHF coverage. Photos can be seen at https://afa6bu.org. I usually monitor the phone patch net frequencies most of the time when home averaging 40 hours or more a week. Can do other things while monitoring. When not on the net or at the same time, I also do support with the US Coast Guard through their Auxiliary and chase working as many countries as I can. Have just over 300 worked up to now.
  15. Thanks to b1bhandler and others for your comments and they are most appreciated. As a member of the MARS phone patch net and seeing the recent comments, I thought I would provide some accurate information on the current net. We are members of the Air Force MARS program. Sprint used to provide phone cards but has pretty much quit them and as the current ones run out many are not renewed. However, the majority of the stations have unlimited nationwide calling and one or two have international calling capabilities. DSN is always available. We are not supposed to mention frequencies, but since they are already posted on here 13927.0 is the primary frequency and 7633.5 is secondary. Many of the stations monitor both these frequencies at the same time. First call should be on the primary and then try secondary if no one responds. If it is felt that better communication can be accomplished on one of the other frequencies then the operator will request you move but normally the 4, 11, 20 and 27 are not regularly monitored. Calling and operation information is on the websites mentioned. The members of the net appreciates your service and it is an honor to be able to help you. Regards, Richard/AFA6BU
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