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Everything posted by City_Wok

  1. Sioux Falls, SD 114th FW UPT slot. Apps due NLT July 31, 2015. In UPT myself, but any questions about the unit feel free to PM. https://www.114fw.ang.af.mil/careers/index.asp
  2. Here's another question that doesn't involve those awesome whitey-tighties we got back in BMT. I will be in 15-03 and see that some of you bros are debating when to arrive as CSD is on a Tuesday because of MLK Day. The AMS website says to not arrive earlier than two days before CSD, so I'm planning on getting in early Sunday. I realize that people want to get there early to set stuff up etc. etc. but thinking back to my BMT experience and the countless hours I spent getting my stuff ready for the first inspection just to find my stuff "neatly" arranged in the latrine by the MTIs. Thoughts? Me thinks that getting there on the usual Saturday would be a bit much. My bros who have gone before said two days before CSD is just fine.
  3. Have my FC1 coming up in August and have a question about cataracts that has come up from reading previous posts. I had PRK two years ago and the ophthalmologist found what I remember to be a cataract in my right eye and is only visible when dilated (this was before the procedure). It was kind of surprising to me because I've had numerous eye people look at my eyes and have never found anything before that point. She said it wasn't a factor and saw no need to put it in my medical records...which kind of has me worried now. Just wondering if I should go to my optometrist and get it fully checked out? Because as of now I really have no idea even what type of opacity she found. I just want to go to the FC1 prepared with no surprises...I realize I'm probably fretting over nothing since I'm asymptomatic, but you never know. Thanks for any input.
  4. Thanks. I posted it in the "Standard Interview Questions" topic. Feel free to pm me any questions after you read.
  5. I was fortunate enough to be offered the UPT slot yesterday from the 114th Fighter Wing, my home base where I've been a traditional Crew Chief for almost 6 years. I wanted to post this while everything was fresh in my mind, as I type this my hands are still shaking!!! Social (Friday evening before the interview) - started at 1730, showed up at 1800 because I'm from out of town and currently student teach and communicated this with the squadron so they knew. This is a great chance to show face and get to know the squadron if you are from outside the unit. As soon as I got there the SQ/CC had the applicants introduce themselves and to just put us on the spot...Big hint if this happens to you, be humble and don't go for laughs. Many of the applicants did this and it made them just look like they didn't appreciate their current jobs with some of their responses. Main points here: be humble, be brief, don't be the center of attention, and if your going to drink a beer don't spill it, especially in front of one of the board pilots like some dude did... Interview (Saturday) First to go that day at 0730, all dressed up in my blues and I must say I was looking good! Showed up 15 min prior and the board was still getting set up. One of the enlisted personnel sat down next to me where I was waiting and we talked until I was called in. This was really big in calming me down and I owe her a lot! Then the door opened and out stepped one of the pilots and said that they were ready for me and it was game on! I stepped in and reported to the SQ/CC (head of the board) with a salute and reporting statement, if you are in the military I STRONGLY recommend that you report in. It gave me confidence and showed them I meant business. Just think if everyone else reports in and you don't, do you want to be that one??? Board included 4 pilots, all Lt. Cols...SQ/CC, DO (patch), Flight Commander, and Weapons Officer (obviously a patch). Questions... 1. Tell us about yourself/why the F-16? 2. Why do you think you will be successful at UPT? 3. Greatest accomplishment or event in your life you are really proud of? 4. Greatest failure, and what did you learn from it? 5. How do you feel about being deployed for extended periods of time and how will your family handle it? 6. Using the F-16 to kill someone/responsible for civilian deaths? 7. The spot you are applying for is part time, so what are you going to do after training? 8. If you are not selected, what are you going to do? 9. Asked me about flying experience and how much I've been able to do lately with my student teaching 10. This was the point that I think they would ask about any weak points in your application, the SQ/CC said I had a real solid application and asked if the board had any follow up questions...he then turned to me and asked if I had any and I said no. I thanked the board for giving me this tremendous opportunity and looked every one of them in the eye and said "There's a reason why I drive 200 miles one way every drill and have done so for the past 6 years...I really want this job" it was spontaneous and came from the heart. The SQ/CC said that was it then and good job, I stood up and saluted, shook their hands and was on my way. Sunday (my selection day!) I was running on about 0 hours of sleep the past couple of days and was totally running on adrenaline. After the launch I went over to ops around 1100 and sat down in one of the offices and chatted with a couple pilots. After about 15 min or so, one of the board pilots stepped in and said he needed to ask me a question and to follow him (my heart was freaking pounding). He led me to the office where the interview was, opened the door and there sat the SQ/CC and DO. They stood up as I walked to the table and the commander shuffled some papers and said, "Just looking over some stuff here and have just one question for you, we were wondering if you wanted to be the next fighter pilot in the wing?" I was shaking so hard I about fell over. We talked for a bit and that was that...the best day of my life! How I prepared for the interview... Looked at this website and came up with bullet points of things I wanted to cover for EVERY question I could find. I wasn't going to leave anything to chance, I was coming ready to play ball (I even had a couple crew chief jokes handy). Being a member of the unit is almost a must for getting hired by a guard unit, I applaud those who can do it coming off the street. I can't stress enough you need to prepare for the questions and be able to address EVERY weakness in your app and explain it. Getting hired by a guard unit doesn't mean that you need to be in the 99% of every test you have taken (my highest score was a 92 and my lowest was a 60). Scores aren't everything, they are looking for someone who they will be able to work with for many years. I strongly recommend first looking at units in your area and getting to know them any way you can, best suggestion if you are young is to enlist while in college. For me my interview wasn't just that day, it was the past 6 years I had in the unit and it showed I was dedicated to serving with them...good luck to you all in your journey in becoming a United States Air Force Pilot! Feel free to pm me for additional questions.
  6. Today I was fortunate enough to be selected by my base, the 114th Fighter Wing, to go to UPT. I will be posting a recap in the interview section that I hope will give you all some good pointers when you go into your interview...good luck to you all, hope you hear from the boards that are coming up!
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