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About LettersVSandP

  • Birthday 05/01/1981

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. I just got off the phone with the TFSC. He said I don't have an answer because officer notifications had to go out manually and those that haven't gotten one yet would be notified by the end of the week. So, that's their current talking point. Congrats to those approved, good luck to those waiting, and God have mercy on the poor bastards denied. '05 11M UPT ADSC only
  2. It could be that they met their goal for '05 via voluntary measures or it could be that they don't want to have a RIF for similar reasons that '04 was never going meet a RIF board in FY14. They were already selects and non-selects. They don't want to get rid of the selects and the non-selects are already leaving the YG relatively soon anyway. Now '05 is meeting our promotion board (finally), and the RIF board is so close to the same time that it's redundant. Remember, these programs are to meet end strength over the next 5 years and they're front-loading the programs to get it done now, but if somebody is up-or-out in 4 years, that's 5 year plan met. Keep in mind the answer to many of these questions is literally nobody knows and even if they did, it wouldn't matter because they're going to change again next month.
  3. My guess based on absolutely no information is that they'll rack and stack each year group and the only thing that will matter is when your last ADSC runs out. Because as my used-to-fly-a-moose colleague points out, AFPC is a bunch of half-wits that couldn't handle anything more complicated.
  4. I think we're going to see a moderate number of rated VSPs approved over the next few days and many YG/AFSCs taken out of the mix for RIF. I doubt they want to cut rated numbers so much as they want it to seem like everybody is feeling the cuts. We wouldn't want the shoe force to get their feelings hurt or they'll never process my travel voucher. Approve my laundry expenses motherf&%$#&s!
  5. Yeah...every day takes longer when deployed, though.
  6. Sorry, for those of you who were denied recently. My VSP is still awaiting "adjudication". I'm wondering if your CMS status changed from "Referred to Voluntary Separation BPO" at any point. Mine changed to "Referred to Voluntary Separation Pay Off" a few weeks ago and I'm hoping this is where approved applications go to wait for Adjudication Day (May 1st). Anyone who has been approved notice the progression of offices your application went through? I think we're smarter than AFPC and can figure out their Rube Goldberg device. Note: I'm talking about CMS and not the status on your application in the Separations application. That hasn't changed for me since it passed my Wg/CC and says "Referred to BPO". Obviously, I'm quoting from memory because vMPF is down yet again. Fortunately, I've looked at these statuses so often, I'm fairly certain I remember them.
  7. You may have been queued for approval 1 May and they made your YG ineligible because they had enough applications (including yours). I wouldn't abandon all hope. Now that I've expressed support for our friend and colleague, let the good-natured mockery of his email begin... But nobody sign him up for any biker porn newsletters!
  8. If I were you, I'd go to your local FSS and ask the highest ranking person available to call AFPC with you. I'd also adopt the mindset that I wouldn't leave their building until I had an answer of some kind. Your CC also ought to be involved. That being said, I don't think you have an issue. If you take a look at the ADSC AFI, I think you'll find that you have 7 days to accept the assignment. You have to sign an acknowledgement of the ADSC you'll be incurring, but you don't have an ADSC at that point. You would acquire the ADSC when you actually PCS. Therefore, if you get accepted for TERA, your assignment is cancelled and you're never assigned a PCS ADSC. Presumably, there's language in the TERA PSDM that assignments are cancelled when TERA is approved. Hope that helps and good luck.
  9. Apology? That's nice and all, but they deserve to retire exactly as previously approved. And I'd imagine they're going to get really vocal in agreement of that point of view if somebody in charge doesn't overrule this ridiculous (and possibly unlawful) "take back".
  10. There's an interesting statement in the Q&A for the voluntary matix on MyPers. I wish I'd copied it when I was on a computer with a CAC reader, but it says when the blocks go red, the AFSC/YG won't meet a RIF board. Maybe somebody can grab the exact wording for everyone. Have we finally found out how many times the SECAF and CSAF have to say something before the middle managers actually follow their guidance? (Only have a RIF board if there aren't enough volunteers.) I was planning to submit a "RIF me" letter to the board if my VSP application was denied...again. If MyPers can be believed (they can't, but here's hoping), those of us who have applied for VSP wouldn't meet a RIF board. We'd either have our VSP approved or run out of overage and a RIF board wouldn't be necessary. On another bit of good news, with only 1,400 VSP applications, it seems likely that 550 waivers is enough to cover most if not all of the people requesting one. Some fraction of the applicants are eligible based on YG/AFSCs. Some fraction of those applicants are rated. Some further fraction of those applicants have an ADSC other than the ones listed in PSDM 13-65. It seems to me that final number would be less than 550. For you nerds out there, this is a logical argument anologous to the Drake equation. If you don't know what that is and want to, look it up yourself. I'm not wikipedia.
  11. Note: At no point does he take personal responsibility for failure. I guess it was just bad luck all those dishonest junior officers ended up at his otherwise awesome wing. /sarcasm
  12. I believe that my esteemed colleague of the tiny Cessna flying persuasion is trying to say that our senior managers have failed utterly at this program so far. Does anyone know for sure that they're not going to be told by some AFPC E-5/GS-7 that they're somehow ineligible? Does anybody know what criteria they're going to use in order to select from among those eligible? Does anyone know when or how they'll find out about the next several years of their life? Without being able to answer these reasonable and essential questions, we are nowhere after three months. As we stumble around in the dark as effectively as we can, let's not forget it's pathetic that there is no light.
  13. I just created a new application. I don't know if that was the right decision, but I couldn't take the waiting. Whenever you reapply, you should use the new statement of understanding from 14-08.
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