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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Part of the difference between title X and title 32 is the money. However it is more along the lines of what set of rules you operate under. Title X is federal active-duty service which has rules that are different then title III to active-duty service. Title 32 allows military to work with local civil authorities and report to a governor. United States code, title X and the title 32 are the two titles you'll hear most often. However there are titles for every jurisdiction. For example the Coast Guard has a title, which I don't remember what it is, that allows them to have a legal jurisdiction in their operating area. Another US code that I'm familiar with his US code title 50. This is the US code that you must operate under one collecting intelligence from foreign entities. Sorry if this post is hard to read, I am using speech to text, while driving, while sharpening my knife, while reciting the Airmans crede. I will see you all down there, good luck everyone.
  2. I had my orders ammended. I dont have them in front of me, but the orders say title 32, but a paragraph was added to state that portions of training may be in title 10 status- or something along those lines.
  3. I am kind of in limbo right now. I am ridding my AGR orders right up to the day I start the travel orders and move on paper to new unit. Until that happens, it is an issue of who’s paying for what. I am sure once I move over I would have no problem with the clothing issue, but that likely wouldn’t work itself out until after AMS. There is probably a better way to handle it, but just to keep it simple (for me) I am just buying things on my own. Even know I am starting to bitch about the cost, I know its my problem. Any of the recent class graduates have a memorandum template they want to share here?
  4. Mess Dress... Great little task to throw in last second. Here we go... I just wish the little surprise last minute tasks didn't look so expensive. The officer version of the service coat was just under $200; cant wait to see what this get-up will run.
  5. Male Uniform Packing list says: * Pants, Service, Wool/Poly Qty 1 (then further down the list) *Pants, Blue, Polyester or Poly/Wool Blend Qty 2 Are these the same pants?
  6. Thanks! You saved me a headache.
  7. Do prior service guys remove thier rank from ABU sleeves and put on any collar rank? If so, during training do AMS Students wear 2lt or another rank insignia such as OC?
  8. That is crazy advice, but let’s hope he was right. I know they will find something, and I personally don’t mind some free PT. In my experience AF schools are more relaxed on details than the Army schools I have attended. If the school house says read it, you read it. If the packing list says two white washcloths, bring two washcloths, and you had better make sure they are white. Maybe I am over reacting, but on the other hand I would rather error on the side of caution. Either way, good luck at school. If your buddy who graduated recently has any good tips, let us know.
  9. FYSA: A recent change on the schoolhouse website states: "Members are encouraged to bring personal laptops or tablet PCs. Commercial internet is available in the dormitories and academic buildings."
  10. Hi Everyone, I will be at 14-4 with some of the other posters. I made contact with the school house on the PT Test requirement prior to school. My question was slightly different since I attempted to do the PT test but had a weather waiver for the run portion (I'm in MN). Bottom line, I was told that the record of your prior PT Test is not verified UNLESS you fail the diagnostic test on day one. If you do fail, the CMDR will be reviewing individual records to determine if you stay or go. As far as what to study prior to class, the official school house website tells you to review it all. Someone mentioned studying it not to look like ass. That is good advice, but also consider studying it in depth to help support your class mates. My understanding is we move to each phase as a class based on our classes performance. There are two things that are important to me in getting through this class: getting to have my coffee in the morning and being able to call my daughter periodically. Both of these privileges are based on moving up in "phases". If anyone holds me back from those two privileges because they came unprepared, we will have a hard time working together. A question for some of the prior attendees of AMS; what was the student body norm? Were the majority of the students: younger/older, prior active duty/traditional/no prior military experience, etc... I just returned from NCOA where the majority of the student body was at the same point in their life/careers. I am not sure what to expect for AMS. I already know I will be one of the oldest there as I am just barely making the age requirement without needing an age waiver. Good luck with everyone attending AMS 14-4. I am looking forward to working with you.
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