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Everything posted by Torch

  1. did she bleach that stache?
  2. If i'm understanding the situation, it was either the Pilot, Copilot, FE, and/or gunner, calling out clearing calls ala "clear forward right/left" and "clear up and right/left" - just for obstacle clearances.
  3. thats awesome - but you full well know, its one person that can make the loudest scream to some senator/congres(wo)man and get everything changed
  4. Do not like. https://gawker.com/5982891/meanwhile-in-brazil-its-raining-spiders
  5. Torch

    Latest Movies

    Looks like a knockoff version of Diehard, however that Gunship and DAP action looks awesome.
  6. Safe to say that ERAU is the only one that'll give you creds for UPT?
  7. Glad I got out of there when I did.
  8. Kudos to holding onto a tradition longer than everyone else? O_O
  9. Mother Rucker 12-11 HH-60G - Davis Monthan HH-60G - RAF Lakenheath HH-60G - Guard Bum at Moffett CV-22 - Hurlburt UH-1N - Malmstrom UH-1N - FE Warren
  10. I finished IFS at the end of June. I had no previous flight experience, no knowledge of how a plane works besides pull the stick back and it goes up (STS). Having said that, if you go into IFS with the mindset that you're going to be a sponge, absorbing all the knowledge that the IP's teach, taking everything for what it is, and not allowing one bad flight to wreck you, you can get through this program. Saying that, IFS in 4 weeks provided me more of a challenge than 4 yrs of college. I studied harder at IFS than I did in college. Its really your attitude and how you take failure and success that proves your measure as a student. We had guys that went to 88 and 89 rides that "rally backed" from bad flights, the work load and the stress and finished. Then again, we also had guys that didnt and washed out. Currently I'm 1month away from track selecting. Just shutup and do what the IP's tell you, study hard, and you'll get through it. It sucks, but like everything just push through.
  11. From a guy that's in ROTC right now, I'm hurting for all of you having to explain this to him. AFROTC = College = Graduate as a USAF 2dLt WOCS = ARMY = Fly
  12. Thought the exact same thing. I'm not a pilot, but just seeing this made me wonder "i wonder how much trouble they got into, if any"
  13. What happens with snow, downtime, and multimillion dollar assets? Jet Sledding.
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