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  1. Does anyone know how to get a hold of information or contacts on RPA reserve units holding UPT boards. I have searched all over sent dead end emails, and phone calls trying to find information for Creech AFB reserves. After interviewing 4 times and finally getting selected for a tanker spot, I was recently DQ'ed for a eye issue at my FC1, but was told I still qualified for RPA spots. While the news was a kick in the nuts, I still want to fly for the Guard or Reserve even if its unmanned.
  2. I tried emailing to see if they received my application, and I haven't gotten a response and that was three weeks ago. I think it also said the interviews would be held tentatively in November. Has anybody applied to the 162nd in Tucson? I believe they said interviews would be held this past weekend and haven't heard from them at all either.
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