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Everything posted by CoachAT802

  1. He sure does blink a lot.
  2. I think Laphroag tastes like dirt, but Lagavulin is quite smooth for a west coast scotch.
  3. Looks like the RNC gurus got her a glamorous makeover. BTW, there is a third hogdriver that's name shall not be mentioned...MR
  4. High West Double Rye is excellent! I'm in the UAE and rye whiskey is scarce...found a store with some and bought their whole stock of Rittenhouse 100!
  5. Premiere tactician and wingman don't go together. meaningless.
  6. I don't want to live in a theocracy.
  7. Never seen a bible on the POW/MIA table in 30+ years.
  8. I'm currently in the UAE building partnership capacity on their dime. Good time, so far.
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