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Everything posted by Jwobbema

  1. That's how I read it, just bath towels. Also, I can confirm that you do get a $400 initial clothing allowance when you get back. Just have to talk to finance and fill out the form.
  2. FYSA, got this email today. My coworker called down there to ask about the mess dress and he was told that we will have time during the course to get it. AMS Students, Congratulations on your selection to the Academy of Military Science located at the United States Air Force Officer Training School. Getting off to a good start is important, and to accomplish this you should arrive prepared and ready to perform. The following link has information for inbound AMS Officer Candidates. https://www.au.af.mil/au/holmcenter/OTS/AMS/index.asp <https://www.au.af.mil/au/holmcenter/OTS/AMS/index.asp> This web page will help prepare you for the challenging 40 training days that will lead to your commission as an officer in the USAF and Air National Guard. Please ensure you review all necessary information in order to be properly prepared. The packing list on the website (also attached) is the only packing list for AMS. As an addition to this list you will need to bring Mess Dress. Good communication is key to being a successful Officer, and to facilitate communication while at AMS, it is recommended that you create a gmail or yahoo email account for the duration of the class. Personal laptop computers, tablets, and printers are highly recommended. If you have any questions or concerns prior to your arrival, contact (334) 953-8424 or DSN 493-8424. Lastly, you should be attending training in T10 status - please check your orders and work with your units to make any corrections. Regards, LtCol Reid Rasmussen AMS Commander Male_Uniform_Checklist_(Commander_Directed).pdf Female_Uniform_Checklist_(Commander_Directed).pdf
  3. Just got a PM from another 14-03 grad, and based on that recommendation, I will still throw in my cold weather hat and gloves just for the standardization side of it in case it gets unseasonably cold since they dont take up any space really.
  4. Hey all, will be down there as well. My orders are 22Mar-15May for travel days. So yes, class is 23Mar-14May. I posted some stuff in the other thread on AMS, so Pm me if you have questions. I called down there about the cold weather stuff and was told that I did not need to bring it.
  5. Some stuff I was passed. AMS paperwork.pdf AMS INFO.pdf
  6. Hey everyone, I will be in the 14-04 class as well. Have had around 10 coworkers graduate the last 2 AMS classes, so have been passed a ton of gouge that I will try to pass along. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. First off, my coworker from the 14-03 class was chatting with one of her instructors towards the end of her class and said something to the effect of how pumped she was to get into the 6 week class. His response was "Why?! The 8 week class will be way easier since we arent adding anything." So take that with a grain of salt, but dont freak out about the extra timeline down there. -Next, I know that it says not to, but I was told to get my ABU's dry cleaned once, just pressed with no starch. This is just for the "I dont look like I slept in them" effect, and will aid in clipping strings. At a minimum, run an iron over them. -Blues pants- I was told by my supply guy that they are the same pants. I wasnt satisfied so I did some digging, and what I found is that there are non service dress blues pants that you can buy. Apparently they are a slightly different blue and have elastic waist bands? Some people get them who wear blues everyday because they are more comfortable and are for wear with long or short sleeve blues shirts. The pants you will be issued (atleast I was) are 3 pairs of the service pants which meet the requirements. You can wear the service pants with all of the above. -Cold gear- I called the AMS contact to ask about this stuff since our class starts late in March. She told me I did NOT need to bring them. So to each their own, but I will not be bringing my green fleece, cap etc. But the APECs IS required either way, so dont forget it. -Getting down there- I will be flying, but some coworkers are driving down, so I will be sending some stuff with them. Apparently there have been issues with bags making it through the airline, and some individuals were without all uniforms for a bit down there. Obviously the staff is not going to annhilate you for this, but It may be prudent to have a backpack or travel bag with atleast 1 set of ABUs and PT gear in it ready to go if this happens to you. -Electronics- As someone mentioned, they are recommending you bring your IPAD/LAPTOP etc because they have wifi in the dorms now and you can use these items for taking notes in class. Also, I was highly encouraged to bring a printer and a ream of paper/enough ink to make it through, so do what you want, but I am going to throw one in my buddys car. The rest of the stuff I have read on here looks to track with what I have been passed as far as clothes and room prep etc. Good luck and see you down there!
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