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Everything posted by myballshurt

  1. Yeah, I think I'm done with this crap too. Hakuna Matata Bitches!!!!
  2. They were meant to be gyms...I am glad you noticed. And my mind, it is already lost. Professional help why did I not think of that or I could say no shit. For those of you considering "professional help" the meds do take the edge off if you ever feel the need. Advice ususally is not free, I mean the amount of effort and time you put into a beatifully articulated response had to be worth something, right? Not to mention the attempt to knock me down a peg. I am bitter, angry, happy, sarcastic and at times purpously lack class but that is my business. I have a reason for feeling that way and since so many seem to care it is not because I was beaten down by the man it is because 300 thousand of us are suffering from shit they can't explain and have to learn how to live life all over. Just be lucky you are not one of them. I sincerely wish everyone the best. Regardless of their desires, story, beleifs, bitterness, you name it I do not care. That was the point, stop being so ing judgemental of others over this crap. I am leaving because I have to not because I do not want to push a mission anymore. I simply got lucky, really lucky, with the timing of TERA. Doing what I did was ing awesome. And "Sport Bitching" why did I not think of that..brilliant.
  3. Everyone has a different outlook for different reasons, your outlook is as respectable as the other guys. Some of us are spent, broken, kaput: mind, body and soul...My username is literal, as for the three midget hookers...on my bucket list? Shit posted here is so we can bitch and moan, joke and bullshit. It is a sanctuary for those of us who have practiced the fine, time honored art of bitching and moaning for so many years with good ing reason. Do not be so blind to see not everyone is going to get out and be able to utilize their ATP, 5 type ratings, Aviation Masters + Bachelors, take care of their family, sleep soundly and wake up refreshed, etc etc...some of us lost it all because a billion zillion tards either lined their pockets or got promoted. I signed up with the understanding I would not be deceived nor forgotten, pretty sure that is not the case. With a little research I could show at least 300K+ ture Americans, from within the last 10 yrs, likely feels the same way as I do and the number is growing. Even after everything I still give it my all everyday; but that does not mean a whole lot these days now does it? So one has to ask; where will YOU draw the line and say " it"? I do not even know you but hope you never have to draw that line. Do the rest of us a favor and just knock it off. If you are not sure what knock if off means then you are probably in the wrong blog.
  4. Yup...my heart stopped beating for about 20 seconds then I nearly shit myself. Dude I do not want to go out like that.
  5. I have a FM- Pending Authorization (after FM-VC) in myPers beginning 17 Mar, 11M, 18+, Capt prior E, UPT ADSC exp 37 days after 1 Aug. Anyone else have the same pile of scheisse?
  6. Congrats.....rated / medical?
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