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Eggs are called juevos in Spanish which is also slang for Balls.
Looks like the Midwest is preparing for the next zombie invation. Sadly here too in Iowa the shelves are still bare of any handgun ammo. It almost seems like a second wave of people panicking set in and for the last 2+ weeks all of the stores have been wiped clean. Even going to any of the few gun shows around here there is little to be picked up except personal defense rounds or a box of 50 .40 ball rounds @ $30+. It sucks because I finally found a good safe place around here to shoot till my heart is content, and now I cant get the ammo. If this sh*t continues, I'm seriously looking at reloading my own rounds.
I don't know what they are saying...but it's fun to watch!
Mutt replied to Hammer's topic in Squadron Bar
This is pure deception! So you are at the bar having a good time, and things are going well with a girl that you believe to be well rounded (not the big girl for the wingman, but the gifted curvy type). Things go swell and you decide to take her home and get to know her better. When the moment of glory comes and the beautiful gifts of God are revealed...low and below, they are saggy & flop down to her lap. I'm just saying, that other than for eye candy with clothes on, these things suck. On a side note, being that I would have already been drunk and commited, I would play through. -
The worlds largest manufacturer and supplier of rum is where I'm from: Puerto Rico!!! I'm with Vertigo on his list, especially the Ron Del Barrilito. Everytime I go back home or family comes up to visit, the only thing that I request them to bring up is Alcohol! Bacardi is standard almost everywhere you go, but the rest are pretty hard to come by unless you live in FL. BTW, Ron CaƱita is pretty much our version of moonshine. As for the Beer: Heineken
2 I agree with Outbreak. The problem is that this Lt had an epiphany and thinks its alright to send it out to everyone. It would have been one thing if he directly replied to the Lt organizing the event (although still ), but the fact that he sent this to all the CGO's at the base puts this at a new level of a** pounding, shoe clerk 'ness. GDMFSOB, thank god he has a job that keeps him locked underground and away from the rest of the population.
"To each his own" If someone wants to drink themselves under the table, then so be it. If you choose not to do so, then enjoy your time at home scrap booking or knitting something....or better yet, you can be my DD so that the rest of my bros can enjoy the festivities. Please stop the freakin preaching. We are all grown men/women that should at this stage have an understanding of our capabilities. If not, let the natural selection process take its course.
"Not saluting a staff car" Reminds me of a young female Lt I went w/ to DLI (I'm from PR, and even though I already spoke perfect English...1 1/2 mo. paid vacation). She swore up and down that since the car had the rank on it, whether occupied or not, we were required to salute. To be on the safe side, even if we were all walking as a gagle, she would render a salute to the ABW/CC's car in the parking lot.
The fuge at WPAFB could not get us up to 10. We were able to hold 9Gz for longer than average periods of times with this suit. And yes they did do some endurance testing. I'm pretty sure the fuge at Brooks AFB is able to do that kind of testing. Theirs is newer and could also do rapid onsets w/o cheating. Dont know what the Germans use to test their guys.
I was fortunate enough to be one of the lab rats to test the suit in the fuge. During my time at Wright-Patt (02-05) I was helping test this system out for possible implementation into our units. Quoting from one of the sites out there: "A new design of G-suit has been developed by the Germans, called Libelle G-suit. It is filled with liquid. As the pilot is subjected to the G-force, the liquid is pushed down to the pilot's leg by the same G-force. The result is a much faster response than the pneumatic version. Preliminary test shows that pilot wearing the Libelle G-suit can withstand a force of 10G with ease while the same pilot barely withstand 9G in regular G-suit. Libelle is the German word for dragonfly, which was where the idea come from." The AF was highly interested in this suit for its alert crews. Being that it is self contained with water bladders, the pilot does not have to conect into the aircrafts bleed-air system. The only negatives of this suit, is that it weighs a ton (custom taylored for each person) and it takes longer to put on. Oh and maybe on the plus side, if the pilot ever had to eject with this suit on, he already has self contained drinkable water. One of my bros who is now an Eagle driver was able to sustain 9 Gz for almost 8 min. Thats impressive even if you go to the fuge all the time and build up tolerance. But the kicker was that he was able to talk pretty easily during that time. The developers basically modified the AGSM to be used w/ the suit. The main difference is that instead of a sharp inhale/exhale every 3 seconds, the pilot is taking slower deep breaths along w/ tightening his lower body (mainly glutes). In my case I was able to survive rapid onsets and variable high G transitions (simulated ACM) with relative ease. I definetly preferred this suit over the current pneumatic version that is being used. I didnt feel as drained after getting out of the fuge when I used the Libelle. Partly I believe this is because of the breathing technique for the AGSM we currently use. If you are not getting the proper exchange when you are inhaling and exhaling, your body gets fatigued trying to get the O2 that you are losing. The slower deeper breathing for the Libelle allows you to focus on more important things. Mutt
Unfortunately this may cause an unusual number of canx'd dip clearances in foreign countries!
I dont tell my stories as good a Toro does, but here is my experience. In my case I was returning from a 6mo TDY in Wash DC heading back to ABQ. Being that I was up there for 6 mo, I decided to take my family and enjoy a paid vacation for them via the AF. I was in no rush to return to my Sq so I took leave enroute to visit a bro in Tyndall. Since i had to wait for my bro to get home when we got there, the first thing we did when we to the base was to take my family on a drive by the flight line. Being that I had been to that base plenty of times before, I knew most of the roads going in/around the flightline. So I took the loaded minivan (big mistake, and dont ridicule me) on a dirt road that overlooks the arming pad. Mind you that there are no restricted entry signs on this road, but to be safe I decide not to get close to raise any alarms. As a matter of fact there was an SFS SSgt that drove by and was cool with me being there. So we watch two Raptors and two Eagles prep and launch. When the planes leave, I decided to move on. This is where the whole dumbass move of driving a minivan on an unpaved road bites me in the ass. Yes, I am now stuck in the sand. There is no one around and of course our cell phones were in the "dead zone" so we were stuck. I said Fvck it and i see the fire truck still waiting on the backside of the pad so I decide to walk over there and ask them for some help. Mind you, I am in civies and I am walking on the edge of the arming pad. While I am walking, 2 more Raptors are taxiing up and pull up to spots within 50 ft of me and the firetruck. The Firefighters tell me to hold tight that they will call SF for help since they are occupied. So I shamefully walk back to the van and hold tight. Over an hour passes by and my kids are getting restless after more than 14hrs of driving there, after all this was meant to be a quick drive by. So I call my bro and he shows up w/ another guy in a real mans truck to help pull out the fvcking minivan. After we get my vehicle (really my wifes) out and on solid pavement, thats when the SF guys lazily role up and determine that there is no issue and leave. The next day, we had planned on taking the family and my friends wife to the flight line for his launch. We jump through all the hoops and even get a photo pass signed. For extra measure, I decided to throw on my uniform to avoid any harassment from the cops. We get our escort from the Sq and everything is set to go. They even got my girls foamy earplugs and the micky mouse earmuphs. Mind you that I one of my kids is in a stroller still. Everything went smooth and according to plan. When it comes time to leave and we are walking back to the ops shack our escort breaks away to get ready for his sortie and leaves us to walk the remaining 100yds. And just like vultures, this is when the skycops come to the rescue. Because the toughest freakin terrorist in the world, would love to take their future junior jihaad children to a fvcking flightline. They hassle us for about an hour and at one point threaten to take my camera away. Luckily before things get too out of hand, both the crew chief of my friends bird and the NCO that issued our photo pass come to the rescue and shoo away the SF (Stupid Fvckers). They arent all bad dudes, hell one of my best friends is still a SF cop. But its fvcking sad that when I really needed them the most, they werent there. But then again these are the same fvckers that have pulled me over when i was in ABQ and wrote me up for going 2mph over in a 15.
Holy Sh*t is just recovered from a seizure!
Guys, its not your choice of which reg you want to follow and which ones tickle your fancy. The rules are laid out for us for a reason. When its your turn and you are the GO in charge, remember all this BS that you are whinning about and dont make the same mistake or rules. And if you are lucky enough to have a SNCO working for you, make sure you lay out expectation about how you want him/her to handle the situations. Personally I agree w/ the ness of the Shoe-Nazi's and how they approach the situation. All they need to do is pull you over to the side and give a simple heads up about the situation. As for me, whenever I had a situation in which I percieved an E as intentionally avoiding the salute in public, I would do something simple like approach him and ask him what time it was. That way it didnt leave a bad taste in his mouth (STS), and he got the point. My personal situation that I passed through was TDY at Lackland as a brandnew 2Lt. While walking throught he parking lot near Defense Language Inst, I made eye contace w/ an O-6 who was approx about 50+ yards away. I acknowledged him by nodding my head and saying "Sir". Short of a full run, he ordered me to stop and stand at attention. For about 10 min, he proceeded to chew every bit of my ass for not presenting the proper customs and courties. He took my unit information and contacted my O-5. That same day I get a call from my boss. The beauty of it is that he thought the O-6 was a total assclown and reminded me to keep my SA at LAFB. From that point on I always followed the "when is doubt, whip it out" rule. Mutt
the hippies!!! Let them waste there time in the desert holding up signs to the few unfortunate base personel that have to go to work there. As for the whole BS about the Crusades and land being taken from Native Americans...it is history, it happened, get over it. Yes it is history and we should be aware of it to prevent similar things from happening in the future. Next thing you know, we are going to have people asking for reparations for the damage caused to there family by the Crusades. War is an evil necessity in our evolution as humans. It would be bliss to live in a perfect world without it, but then our role in the military would not exist now would it. TGIF Mutt
During my time in Saudi, the Major I was deployed w/ was considered "PCS'd" to the AOR for a 365. He was actually entitled shipment of household goods. Its all semantics, who gives a f*ck. It sucks no matter which way you look at it.
"The Obama administration has ordered an end to use of the phrase "Global War on Terror," a label adopted by the Bush administration shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday. In a memo sent this week from the Defense Department's office of security to Pentagon staffers, members were told, "this administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or 'Global War on Terror' [GWOT.] Please use 'Overseas Contingency Operation......yada yada yada....'" I'm glad that all you boys out there that are dropping bombs, passing gas and in general kicking a**, are just out there supporting contingency operations. Maybe I'm being petty about this since its only changing verbage and not whats really going on overseas, but it just seems like another way to down play what the warfighters are doing for us.
Its like porn for the UAV comunity. Pretty sweet though....I wonder what else the I-Phone can control?
Guys, a little off of the patch realm so forgive me. I have searched like hell for the embroidered cloth bag tags. I'd like to get some w/ my unit/mission colors and A/C. Unfortunately I have seperated and its not as easy as going up to Missawa or Osan for me. Anyone know of company that I can order from online?