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  1. Approved! 07 11m (135 type) 5.2 yrs upt left 3 months adsc remaining for TA
  2. Don't forget Betty W...she has a twitter handle also, and probably has his ear more than anyone
  3. I am in the process of faxing a letter and the JQ article to every member of Armed Forces Cmte in the House and the Senate. I'm doing the same for members of the VA Cmte as well for good measure. It totals to about 70 members of the House, and 40 members of the Senate. I'm also sending the same info to every Senator/Congressman of my home state. Fax is old school and time consuming, but it may get more attention that way.
  4. Sorry, I meant VSP. I guess RIF is on my mind.
  5. and why they do really even need a second round...afpc ultimately can change the separation date to 1 Oct instead of 30 Sep...and bam...the fy14 rif just became the fy15 rif without another round of bs having to occur
  6. vMPF Voluntary Separations Emails Unavailable not sure what to make this...it's one the portal homepage
  7. They are technically different programs all together, covered by different PSDMs...so you should absolutely be able to apply for both. Plus the HASC has given their support for the level of active duty force cuts (16,700) and are including the dollars to pay for all the various separation programs. The fy14 budget didn't have funds associated with this level of force reduction. So theoretically it might make better sense to separate people in fy15 vs fy14 as far as the budget goes....I'm probably trying to find logic where there is none though
  8. looks like the af realized they had too many rated guys jumping at the vsp option...and they really wanted them to go in the ARC (hence the expanded palace chase authority after the vsp window opened)...to make it worse...there will no doubt be guys who will get denied vsp because palace chase guys jumped in front of them after vsp applications were submitted...but given the option I'm sure that many of the same folks who applied for vsp would take palace chase if offered...this only confirms that there was really no need to wait until 1 may to adjudicate...that was an excuse to keep us all on the hook while they could reduce the number of vsp applications that might be approved...people/family first...sure
  9. for what it's worth...mypers says within approximately 10 days of the window closing...and the TFSC folks say by the middle of may....at this point...who really knows?
  10. https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/484442/april-28-puls ...new pulse
  11. yes, but not all AFSC's are closed up to 03
  12. new O matrix dated 15 April on mypers...
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