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Everything posted by Vito

  1. MARSRADIO performs a great service to all aircrew. Back in the day, it was the only way we could call home. It was also entertaining listening to some of the phone calls made by other folks.
  2. The issue with the A-380 in the Cargo world (Fed-Ex/Ups) was twofold. It was going to take many years for Airbus to develope the freighter version, and the added weight of strengthening the floors to handle cargo made the jet unprofitable. A 777 Or MD-11 was a lot more profitable. Also the specialized equipment for loading a double decker was problematic too.
  3. TDS is a terrible thing.
  4. Thanks BIff, I’ll pass your reply on to him. Do you know what he may mean by service? Flight following, traffic alerts?
  5. Bump, see post above, Thx.
  6. Can any of you guys who are in the know, answer this question from a poster on another UK based website? “Hi. Hope you're well. Interesting situation there in DCA. Can you ask those military helicopter friends what clearance and service they get when asking to transit the routes through the DCA Class Bravo. It would also be VERY interesting to know if they hear any private helicopters cleared this way, or whether it's all military. Best & thanks, WMF.”
  7. I would like to get an answer from Biff or any other hello pilots about this. Anytime we (C-141/C-17) flew a low level, the Rad alt was our primary altitude instrument, I never flew a 300 ft LL using the baro altimeter. Do Blackhawks use the baro altimeter as their primary altitude instrument on a low level route that’s suppossed to be flown at 200 AGL? The reason I ask this, is because the NTSB spokeswoman seemed to be alluding there may be an issue with the barometric altimeter of the Blackhawk. thanks for the answer in advance.
  8. Biff, or anyone else in the know, on another website someone mentioned these Helicopter routes don’t have any lateral confines. I find that hard to believe. Is there a hard number ? ie. 1 mile laterally etc
  9. Why do you think the helo climbed from the 200 ft altitude required on that route. Once they accepted visual clearance, are they allowed to climb above 200 ft AGL on that route, or was it just lack of altitude control? Not trying to blame anyone, just curious why they climbed.
  10. 757 with the Pratt may be slightly better. And bigger boobs. I fly either one on a daily basis. The Pratts take longer to start, the Rolls have a lot less power for taxiing, but they take 15 sec to start!
  11. Liberal men always look like pussies…explains why they lean towards the liberal end of the spectrum.
  12. It’s a huge, expensive bureaucracy, created in 1979, not 1824…….employs No Teachers and has little to no impact on Education on a local level except to dictate, interfere, and propose programs which spread whatever political and social ideologies that they deem important. Remember it employs zero teachers who teach. The Dept of Ed has been low hanging fruit for decades, and whenever Republicans try to dismantle it, Democrats begin airing commercials about So and so candidate is against education and your children. We went to the Moon and won 2 World Wars, and ushered in the tech age without the Dept of Education.
  13. Day Man, She was an executive in the WWF, she also ran for political office, ran a big organization and was in Trump’s Administration as the SBA head. She ran for Senate as a Republican in Uber Democrat Connecticut and lost to Richard Blumenthal ( Perhaps you may think he’s more qualified, being he was a Vietnam Vet hero🤣). You’re gaslighting calling her a WWF personality. Just like people called Reagan, an actor, or Trump, a reality TV personality. Her and her husband built the WWF into a multi-million dollar organization. She’s no dummy. Probably not as Qualified as Pete Buttigieg, but her WWF days are long gone. Trump is a disruptor, and his picks are usually non-politicians and from the business world, ie. People who work, built things and aren’t on the government dole.
  14. Stolelt, You can also look at it this way. No voter ID requirements allows illegals to vote, even though they’re not citizens. So assume a few million Illegals voted in these No ID states, most probably for the party that facilitates them.(democrats) You don’t think a few house races would be affected by these extra imported voters?
  15. Also, remember, the Democrat apparatchik’s were fine propping a senile Biden as long as they THOUGHT HE COULD WIN. After the debate, it became obvious he wouldn’t win, so they dumped him ASAP. If he had performed satisfactorily in the debate, we could possibly be looking at another 4 years of Biden as a figurehead President with other non-elected operatives pulling the strings of the Biden Puppet. Add to that, the fact that Kamala was waiting in the wings to assume the Presidency as the first Black, female President. A Liberals wet dream. None of these schemes were for THE GOOD OF THE NATION. This goes to show how conniving and un-democratic the Democrat party apparatus is. The more I look at this election I realize how Un-American and power hungry the Democrat party really is. With a willing accomplice in the main stream media, they didn’t even try to hide it this time! What Hubris.
  16. Pooter wrote, “The left has shown a shocking amount of maturity and done something I think most of the maga crowd is incapable of right now: accepting election results that didn’t go their way.” I know you’re referring to last weeks election, but this is the same Left that fostered upon America a national temper tantrum after the 2016 election! Remember the riots, Marches etc that lasted for months. And don’t forget they constructed the Russia,Russia, Russia, narrative that caused chaos and havoc for Trumps Presidency. I give them zero credit. Karma is a bitch
  17. Pritzger, another Democrat out there trying to console and comfort all the Democrat snowflakes who are sooooooo scared of what’s coming! Why do democrats revel in their fear and weakness. Here’s a grown man telling other grown men and women to grab their safety animal (stuffed toy) and run to a safe place. How did the democrat party go from a working class, blue collar party, populated by the same men who stormed the beaches of Normandy and Iowa Jima, into a party of soy boys, effeminate Beta’s, and weak, hysterical women, who aren’t t even embarrassed about crying over an election. Look at Jimmy Kimmel. So weak, so scared, so BETA, AND THEY ARE PROUD OF IT! This is why they lost the Black Male and Hispanic votes. WHO wants to be associated with such pathetic whiners?
  18. Poster write, “ With the George Floyd riots and covid bringing out tonsof low propensity voters and TDS at its peak” That’s kind of my point, were George Floyd BLM rioters and anarchists really that much more motivated to vote, and how many Rioters were there really? Add to this the absolute Hysteria that gripped the largely Democrat ranks, I find it incredulous that Covid, mail in ballots, or motivation to leave a safe home and vote during a pandemic that still scares most democrats today, would account for 20 MILLION EXTRA VOTES. A FEW MILLION, MAYBE BUT NOT 20,000,000. I’d love for some whistleblower to surface.
  19. I also find this 20 million number troubling. Good point about the Covid mail in ballots explaining part of this, but I would argue that during Covid, people were petrified to leave their homes, much less vote., especially Democrats, who seemed the most nervous about Covid. I really find it incredulous that 20 million more votes were cast in 2020..
  20. Big gender gap, women and young voters leaning to Harris, Men, to Trump. Reminds me of this scene in “The Godfather”. Women and kids rarely pay the price for dumb decisions. Men always pay the consequences and have to clean up the mess.
  21. Huggy, Hanging out with Victor Belenko would have been such a cool experience. I remember reading MIG PILOT when I was a teenager.
  22. Reading some of of these TDS POSTS, I have to ask, When did the Air Force start allowing Beta’s to go to pilot training.
  23. Sad Day, always enjoyed refueling behind a -10. Great story about a KC-10. Panama Invasion, My Bud is in a 141 dropping cargo. The load gets hung and he flies around with the cargo doors open for a while as the loads are trying to jettison the load. They finally get it jettisoned but now he’s low on gas. He has to divert to Rosy Roads, but needs to refuel. Stressful night so far, as they coordinate for a tanker and begin the rendevous, he see’s it’s a KC-10!. He’s like, Thank God, and as he’s approaching the contact he tells the crew, “Engage tractor Beam” because the -10 was much easier to refuel behind, and the envelope much larger..
  24. I was referring to the post about a HR person interviewing the old guy (Trump)
  25. Has to be a joke, nobody is that dumb.
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