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Everything posted by bjax

  1. Denied 07 11m doing rpas. FML
  2. Nothing here, updated matrix on mypers. All pilot YGs are closed
  3. 2007 11M doing RPAs still waiting
  4. It was about three days of approvals, three days of silence then denial emails were sent.
  5. Kla9, what YG and ADSC? Congrats
  6. Nothing here, but my source said 'should start today'. Last time they spread the approvals over 2-3 days and he said 'should'. It does make me confident that at least by Friday someone on this forum should know.
  7. No promises, but I hope he is right.
  8. My contact at afpc said notifications should start going out today. We shall see. Good luck everyone.
  9. From a reliable source: notifications are on hold because air staff is making the new matrices to reflect the Vsp/tera approvals. Notifications SHOULD go out this week.
  10. I called today and got the same story. Operator said a Mr. Williams (assuming he is the boss) said the same thing as shut up n color
  11. Did anyone hear anything? I did not and TFSC sounded clueless when I called.
  12. I called on wednesday and she said mid July like the last round of VSP. She said they will run the numbers next week then wait on airstaff's approval.
  13. Has anyone heard when the VSP notifications will go out? Last time they said mid may and it was the third week in May.
  14. FBomb, here is a link. The matrices and other related information was posted about two weeks ago. As you will notice the 04 and 05 year groups are grayed out. Weird how looking at this site it seems like most of the people approved were in those year groups and the matrices were posted well before the VSP results. So I have hope for the next round of cuts. https://gum-crm.csd.disa.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/27606/related/1
  15. Already filled out FY15s, will submit tomorrow.
  16. Dissaproved 07 11M working RPA position
  17. Moose, no response for me too. If and when I get the denial, I will send it right back for the FY15 VSP
  18. I called them. After being on hold for 30 min, Patty said, "Your application is still being processed, maybe they will get to it tomorrow." So I still have hope.
  19. Did all that were approved get the emails this morning?
  20. Congratulations, I'm an 11M 07, still waiting.
  21. Buckner, Were emails sent out to the individuals or to their CC's? How did they find out?
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