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  1. That post was for FY 2016. We will make an announcement when we will be holding our next UPT board.
  2. Termy is correct. We will invite applicants selected for interview whenever it works out for both parties. We will not be holding a mass board over a drill weekend like normal. We have received some newer tails to replace the ones taken to the boneyard.
  3. Montana is looking for UPT applicants again. We are not having an official board this FY, instead we are interviewing qualified applicants on an individual basis, so get your packets in ASAP if interested. See the attached letter for application info. Contact Capt Young with any questions (406)791-0289 FY16 UPT Applicant Packet.pdf
  4. Montana is looking for UPT applicants again. We are not having an official board this FY, instead we are interviewing qualified applicants on an individual basis, so get your packets in ASAP if interested. See the attached letter for application info. Contact Capt Young with any questions (406)791-0289 FY16 UPT Applicant Packet.pdf
  5. Just a reminder that the Montana Air National Guard UPT packages are due by Feb 15th. Best of luck!
  6. Done. Sorry it took a while. I spaced it after a TDY. Only problem was the location would always default back to Antarctica. Thank you.
  7. The Montana Air National Guard is holding a pilot board again. Packets must be recieved by 15 February 2015. See the attachment here for all the info or check out the wing's homepage and follow the link in the bottom right hand corner for the announcement letter. Thanks! 120thairliftwing.ang.af.mil 2015 UPT Application Procedures (rev).doc
  8. The Montana Air National Guard is holding a pilot board again. Packets must be recieved by 15 February 2015. See the attachment here for all the info or check out the wing's homepage and follow the link in the bottom right hand corner for the announcement letter. Thanks! 120thairliftwing.ang.af.mil 2015 UPT Application Procedures (rev).doc
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