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Everything posted by BTeezy

  1. If you have your PPL you don't have to go through IFS - period. One guy had his and they sent him home. Having a PPL is an automatic waiver and you are cleared for UPT. Regarding the height issue - it not like he was forcing me to cram my body in the plane. You have to sit as you normally would when flying. Any position other than normal could impact your flying. I guess it depends on your flight commander how much cramming they want you to do but if its uncomfortable and you feel it will really impact your flying then speak up and say this just isn't working. My horizon when the glass was closed was a 50 degree bank to the left - it's alsmost impossible to fly straight and level like that, much less do maneuvers. I can't comment on the "get a haircut" - my skull was pressed up against the glass but i can see how guys would try that line lol. I didn't - I should have requested to stay the week and knock it out but I was sent home the day after once a flight opened up. I regret that decision not to stay the 1st week b/c they spoon feed the info to you (more like firehose it into you but they cover everything you need to know for the test and they do it in a week rather than 15 weeks from what my FBO is telling me - I'll just study on my own and with the instructr a bit after flights) The FBO i'm going to has a study guide packet and Gleims is part of it. I'll look into the Sporty's app as well. Appreciate the advice.
  2. Yea - 18 in the air and about 26 on the ground. They just get us to solo point which is what Doss does. Should be starting next Monday after the remaining paperwork is filled out and approved... We all know that can take some time.
  3. Hey - Sorry for the delay. So i was sent back to my guard base. Doss Aviation/Air Force is paying for private lessons at an FBO close to my home. The IFS syllabus will be followed by the civilian flight school I go to (Air hours + ground school) and that will count as an IFS equivalency certificate to clear me for UPT. Max sitting height for the DA20 is 40 inches - I was 39.7 so I went out to the plane with my flight commander on the first day. The canopy wasnt even closed and my head was already hitting the glass and leaned 50 degrees to the left. Blue - Hahahaha, awesome video lol. Thats exactly how I felt when I sat in the plane lol
  4. Anyone have the gouge on if you are too tall for the da20? Just started ifs today and I'm too tall for the cockpit- couldn't close the hatch. I'm meeting tomorrow to discuss options. I heard from some guys I possible get scheduled down in Pensacola with the navy or an fbo close to where I live (I would assume to get my ppl before UPT) Any info out there? Thanks!
  5. Yea im still waiting on that check.....
  6. Don't bring a sleeping bag or anything additional from the welcome letter and needed items list. Make your bed the first day. Depending on which MTI you get, some destroy your bed every inspection and others leave it alone. Ours left it alone so we only had to make it 2 or 3 times total. You will have a folded blanket that goes at the foot of the bed. We would just use that as a blanket each night and sleep on the top mattress. Yes you sleep on a bare matress and no pillow - just suck it up it's only 8 weeks. The blanket is easy to fold each day - just wake up a few min earlier to do it. Also - flip your top mattress each day after sleeping in it. THey are old and do make an imprint
  7. Hi BTLFLYER - 1. Typically weekends are yours. Very rarely did we see a flt/cc or a MTI. Sometimes you have scheduled PT (Saturday) but other than phase 1 which lasts about 3 weeks, you can break up into individual flights on the track and do your own thing. They do a good job of overwhelming you with activites on the weekend if you have an upcoming test/briefing/paper so make sure you are studying the week prior. (Ex: We had our 2nd test on a Monday - that Saturday before the test they scheduled us for community service for most of the day.) If nothing's going on, though, the weekends are yours. Enjoy phase 2 and 3 - we even played golf a few times on the weekend towards the end of the program. 2. I was a non prior as well - and flight leader in week 1 which sucked. Try to practice marching and facing movements before you get there. Your going to get yelled at in the beginning. Just get through phase 1 and then things calm down quite a bit. Look at the OTSMAN (be familiar with it - you don't need to memorize it) Study a few sections in the HAWK - it doesn't matter after Phase 1 but knowing a few things could benifit you in the 1st few weeks - (ex. Airman's Creed, Names of the AMS + squadron commanders (which they will give you to put in your HAWK during in processing) They implemented a new thing during our class where you are tested on HAWK knowledge to be phased up to phase 2.... According to the guys I spoke with we all didn't know a single thing and we still got phased up as a class lol ---- Other points on inprocessing day --- Sunday you should NOT wear your ABU's to the briefings. They will send you back upstairs to change into regular clothing. And wakup on day 1 you should be ready to go in ABU's for the crossing the blue line ceremony. You will then change into PT gear to do your PFA. Day 1 was the only day we were woken up by screaming and knocking on the doors. The rest of the time it's up to your flight to be outside for formation 3. Leadership positions are Flight Leader and FOO. Try to get FOO but most flt/cc try to put a non prior as flight leader with an experienced prior as FOO. If thats the case, try to be flight leader at the end of the program (after Phase 1 at least) b/c the flt/cc don't follow you around after your flight gets their "drivers license" to march independently. For jobs- I was Services which was just getting mail once a week - easy!!!! Visual is also easy - you take pictures of the flight throughout your time there. Those 2 i'd say are the best. Stay away from academics officer- they were always swamped with work. Food was suprisingly good. Your getting yelled at before every meal and while your eating. That all ends after phase 1 (starting to see the pattern???) Pushups are in 5 rep incriments - (Down/Up = 1) Easy..... "1 Sir, 2 Sir......Permission to recover, Sir" Don't get too stressed as a non-prior. You will catch on fast and they will room you with a prior who has been in for a long time. The first few days, especially when you get there will seem like a fire hose and you will be overwhelmed. People will be cleaning rooms, making beds, rolling shirts... Just try not to get overwhelmed. Unpack Saturday and prepare your room. They have a booklet which shows you how things are folded and where they go. Trick - have display items. Technically you can have nothing in your drawers - there is no minimum you need. So what many of us did was have 1 item each (1 pair of socks, 1 undershirt, etc) on display and the rest in our laundry bags as dirty clothing. Then you just do laundry like every other day so your not rolling shirts all the time. Read things carefully and see where you can take advantage of the system. The program is set up to give you vague situations and you need to disect the info to get to the conclusion. Don't be afraid to take risks - if you mess up it's only 5 pushups. And dont freak out about 341's. I had like 15 pulled in one day. It has no weight even though they say it does. Final thoughts - DO NOT TAKE ACADEMICS LIGHTLY! Study hard for the tests. We lost close to 10 people due to averages under 80% The academics are not hard but do not blow them off. We even lost a few people the week before graduation b/c they didn't pull up their grades. Don't get into that position. You will be fine - don't sweat it too much. Take calculated risks. They want to see leadership out of the OC's (Officer Candidates). After phase 1 it get's a lot better and you will make great friends out of it if you have a cool flight. Good Luck!
  8. Disregard - found on google.... Simulated Forced Landing for anyone who was wondering!
  9. Thanks for the guidance viper... "Min oil temp. to begin an area SFL at area idle (F)" - Can someone further explain this phrase for me and what is "SFL"?
  10. Thanks - ordered it the other night. With regards to ops limits. Obviously will study the numbers and corresponding phrases in red. Do I need commit the black ink numbers/phrases to memory as well for testable purposes? (Obviously it's good to know it and be familiar with it - but will we be tested on black ink values/phrases?)
  11. My wife will probably come out to IFS during the last week I am there and then we're planning on driving home together. Anyone have previous experience doing this? Ex: Hotels to stay at? Will I have time during the week to see her at all or should I just have her come that weekend? Thanks!
  12. Does anyone have a picture or know the correct link for a current picture of the cockpit showing all CURRENTLY INSTALLED instruments? (For chair flying practice) Thanks!
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