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Everything posted by kla9

  1. My base Education Office said that I have to have served 36 months AFTER my initial commitment from ROTC in order to tx benefits. I only served something like 24 months ACTIVE DUTY after my commitment was up. (6.5 total years) Now I'm in the reserves though. Anyone know if this is true, that you have to have many active duty months after initial commitment served before transferring? My husband and I have an investment decision to make and if I can tx to my son now, we won't have to save for his college. I understand there's been a lot of changes with our education benefits in recent months esp as reservists so I wonder if this is one of them? Anyone transfer recently and get the lowdown? Can't find anything in the usual places VA, DOD, Milconnect, et cetera
  2. Who is the JQP? I feel like I just joined the AF.... I am an "G" last name approved
  3. 2008, 11M, 5.5 years left on UPT
  4. 2008, sorry, just got the email. It said check vmpf in 72 hrs
  5. VSP APPROVED! 11m at sheppard. Got the email after I emailed mypers help desk....
  6. Excuse my ignorance, What is RDTM? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. Just to clarify, They're updating matrices to reflect this most recent round if FY15 Tera/VSP approvals ---that will be notified this week? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  8. Asked my friend who got the May VSP, and he said he actually got the email on that Sunday.... Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. Me too! Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. Yeah, still waiting..... My commander said to expect an extension automatically if I get approved- extension to February 1 2015 if I wanted it, have y'all heard that at all? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! -couldn't find anything on mypers Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. Which base is that? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  12. Enjjpt is the best pilot training base there is. The foreign influence and independence makes it awesome. Great IPs, best city for fun. And you're not competing with classmates for your 38. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
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