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Everything posted by agizzle

  1. My company (Booz Allen Hamilton) offers pay differential for those on long-term military leave, I don't think I can provide the documents however. As for the benefits I would imagine these are some sort of tax write-off. That could be good enough incentive for a company to decide to allow this type of activity while also touting "veteran friendly" and "veterans benefits" or something on their website.
  2. Agree. I was accepted to the board that convened a couple months ago as an RPA pilot (though I declined the offer) as there were no reg pilot slots for FY15 or 16. But the AF isn't very good at managing their force accurately so I wouldn't be surprised if they miscalculated their needs and suddenly needed pilots again.
  3. Wow 2.5 years...good to hear it finally paid off, way to stick with it.
  4. I noticed that they say you will immediately go for you flight physical after you are selected. I was selected a few months ago by my unit and haven't even sworn in yet let alone had my flight physical. Fresno may do this for every new hire regardless but that's moving pretty quick in my opinion, it could happen FY15 if they move that quick on all steps in the process.
  5. I can't say for sure because I really don't know. I would guess that my persistence and preparation helped as well as my background. I did know a person at the unit I was selected at who wrote me a letter of recommendation and introduced me to a lot of people but in the end he said it was all me (I'm sure my knowing him didn't hurt). I've applied to every unit opening across the country from the beginning of June until now so to me it's a numbers game really. The more you apply the more opportunities you open yourself up to. Keep improving your scores if possible, building hours, improving your cover letter, getting better letters of recommendations and doing mock interviews until there is no topic they can bring up that you can't speak to.
  6. Found out today I was selected for FY16 UPT with the Mississippi ANG. Congrats to others who also received this news.
  7. I prefer that than allowing people to fly out to interview knowing all the while they are only going to pick someone from their unit.
  8. I got an email back today, "The current UPT board is restricted to current TN ANG members only." Not too sure of the legalities of this but these are the facts.
  9. 164th AW out of Memphis.
  10. Anyone ever get any information on TN? I've called about 4 different numbers with no answers.
  11. I interviewed at the 183rd AS this week and compiled most of the questions that were asked to me. First the board was made up of 6 members, 5 pilots and 1 loadmaster all gathered around a conference room table with me at the head and the board leader at the other end. There were no formal reporting procedures in terms of addressing the board upon entry. It was very laid back and everyone was friendly but the questions were very standard and professional and it lasted about an hour. 1. Identify your biggest strength 2. Identify your biggest weakness 3. One word to best describe you 4. Tell of a time you had to disagree with a boss 5. Tell of a time when you had to make an unfavorable decision as a leader 6. Who would you select if 2 units both offered you a position 7. Why this unit 8. What do you plan on doing to support yourself after UPT 9. Who is someone in your life that has made a big impact and why 10. At the end they gave me an opportunity to sell myself and tell the board anything I wanted then gave me the opportunity to ask the board any questions
  12. Anyone going to Montana next week to interview? PM if you'd like to share some resources i.e. room/taxi.
  13. I was a non-select as well, 88 PCSM, 89 AFOQT, prior Air Force flying experience. I imagined it had a lot to do with being around the squadron and meeting people. I was also a non-select for the 107th FS (A-10s) and in their email they said that they place high emphasis on face time and things like that so regardless of scores I think some units just aren't going to hire you unless you do the meet and greets and/or visit the unit.
  14. I was emailed from the 122nd a couple weeks ago about additional information as well. He said that interview notifications would go out mid August, but maybe that has changed.
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