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  1. https://www.crossville-chronicle.com/news/local_news/dean-guest-speaker-at-fg-community-church-flag-day-event/article_7b695aea-0095-11ee-844b-4fa21924db71.html uniform is certainly questionable.
  2. I had the same issues (rotation/lateral mvmt) and finally had the flight doc look at it when it still hurt after nearly a year. Got an MRI and found that I didn't have an ACL anymore. Doc didn't DNIF me so long as I was able to egress the airplane and run to a safe distance. I finally got the surgery about a year after that (2 yrs after the initial injury) and was back flying in about 2.5 months. If you can manage the pain for now then you can probably schedule the surgery for whenever is most convenient for you (YMMV). Best of luck with recovery.
  3. I started in Jan '19 and am about to finish in 2 weeks. I took a few terms off for reasons like deployment and surgery. If you push through, it's about 14 months (8 weeks per class). I've heard of other people having trouble with Brandman admin, but it's been fine for me. YMMV, but I've found everyone I've dealt with pretty helpful and responsive,especially with adding/dropping classes and getting the mil tuition discount ($1200/class). I'll get a Brandman diploma since I'll finish before the merger at the end of the year, but they've already announced that alums have the option to replace the Brandman diploma with a UMass one. I'm pretty sure I'll take them up on that. There are definitely people in the program who have no business getting an "advanced" degree -- making responses to discussion posts pretty maddening -- but you get out of it what you put in, and I definitely learned a lot of concepts that are very applicable to a military career an beyond. And while I agree with Wazzu about getting a reputable degree if you want to use it after the military, I think we all know what we're getting into when we're deciding on the path of least resistance. Full disclosure -- my undergrad was a top 20-ish school and this is my second (non PME) masters, so I wasn't all that concerned about the reputation of the school. At least Brandman is not for-profit and part of an actual respectable university system (Chapman U in CA) -- though no one is confusing it for an actual degree from Chapman. I think the UMass name will make it even (a little) more worthwhile. Best of luck.
  4. I'm about to finish the Brandman MAOL. 7 classes go by pretty quickly, and I genuinely enjoyed the material. Brandman just announced that they will become UMass Global at the end of this year, so the degree will carry (at least a little) more name recognition. I'd recommend it , if for nothing else, becuase it's quick and easy.
  5. His attorney, Jeremiah “Jake” Denton IV, declined to comment. Anyone else notice this? Grandson?
  6. The Saudi one is supposed to be a good deal, but I think it's a remote. lots of flying and not much queep
  7. 2x C-12F (King Air 200) at Elmo; 3 years 3x C-12J (Beech 1900C) at Yokota; 2 years with a pretty easy extension to 3 years. 1 C-12J at Holloman for testing 2 (I think) C-12Cs at Edwards shared between the test pilots and the C-12 schoolhouse 2 C-12Cs at Andrews for DIA training multiple embassy locations with C-12Cs or Ds, including Bangkok, Manila, Cairo, Budapest, Brasilia, Bogota, Somewhere in Turkey, and I think Nairobi. There could be more. Elmo and Yokota are reasonable to get as a 2nd assignment. Helps to be an IP in whatever airframe you're coming from, but not necessarily a requirement. PM for more.
  8. AFI 36-2501: 3.15. Active Duty Service Commitment for Promotions. No Active Duty Service Commitment will be incurred for officer promotions This pub is dated 2004. Has something changed? I might need to start looking into the "Declining a promotion" section.
  9. *Edited because I didn't RTFQ* C-12s weren't on your list, but there's nothing bad about them. 1/2 -- deployments are rare (and usually voluntary). Banker's hours most other times and even RONs are pretty unusual. 3. Morale is great because it's a good deal in a good spot and most people asked for it 4. The plane isn't going anywhere soon 5. Elmendorf/Yokota, unless you're with DIA or AFMC. And if you hate it, you only have to deal with it for 3 years.
  10. It was a plain c-12 flown by the DIA guys. They have a deal worked out with a local FAA guy nearby. It wasn't even after sim training - I was just there for an annual check ride coming from an embassy.
  11. I got mine on a C-12 out of Andrews -- done at the same time as an annual IP checkride. FAA evaluator gave the ground eval and then sat in the back for the checkride -- pretty much the same requirements as the AF check.
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