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  1. I put mine on one of these: https://www.uhaul.com/Trailers/Auto-Transport-Rental/AT/ And towed it behind one of these: https://www.uhaul.com/Trucks/10ft-Moving-Truck-Rental/TM/ While living on base you can bike to work. I know two IPs that did that. Have fun when the afternoon storms come out of no-where. Off base? Best to have a car or live with/down the street from a classmate. Once you get off formal release you guys will probably want to leave base at different times though. Not sure about the Uber situation in C-bus. Wasn't around when I went through. Taxis were pretty much non-existent. As far as one way rental at the airport, you will have to call the individual rental car companies and ask. Probably not many people here will have info on it cause probably 95% of us drove/had cars at UPT. I didn't know anyone while I was there that didn't have a car. IF there is a rental car company downtown that is also at the airport, I am willing to bet my paycheck the rental car company is about halfway between the airport and the base. Might as well get an uber the whole way to base, especially since the AF is gonna pay for it. Because once you take the rental car back downtown, you still have to get back to the base(about a 15 minute drive). So I hope you know someone down there or can make friends real quick with someone that will drive you back. Honestly I don't know why anyone would turn down a paid road trip. AF only wants you driving max like 6-8 hours a day or something like that. Will even pay per diem rates for the hotels along the way. Spend the night in Flagstaff or Phoenix check out the sights, another night in Amarillo, OKC, Memphis. Or pick a different route with different cities, spending a night at each one. Buying a car in Columbus, there are plenty of dealerships and used car places around town and in Starkville. Easy to get rid of? I put my car on Craigslist at 11 AM and sold it 8 PM. Internet is a beautiful thing. You could put it in the lemon lot on base to try to sell it as well.
  2. Never answered my question. Why don't you just take the Charger you have?
  3. That's what has me baffled.
  4. You gonna check a TV into checked baggage? Why not just bring your Charger that you already own? I lived in the UOQ for a month and during that month I was at IFS. Those UOQs were terrible. The A/C was horrible not sure if you have spent much time in the south, but it is humid. When I came back from IFS there was mold everywhere in the room. Couldn't wait to move out of those things.
  5. Well sure you can get to Columbus without a car. You gonna live out of a suitcase for a year? If you move yourself(DITY) the government actually PAYs you to move your stuff. Measured by the pound. Heavier your moving van, more money you get. You could buy a crappy car for a year, but why bother? Why not just buy a car you want to last? You think Columbus is so bad it's gonna get stolen or something?
  6. I'm already dual qual'd. In my MWS and my desk job.
  7. Anyone have any updates on number of aircraft, tour lengths, potential as second assignment?
  8. KC-10 was 2 years from the time I finished initial qual to the time I started upgrade. 1,100 hours and two deployments.
  9. Thought this would be of interest to some. FAA came out with a notice of proposed rulemaking that basically allows current IPs to use their Form 8 to renew an expired CFI cert. or add on a privilege to an expired CFI cert. without having to take a checkride. Few other small changes as well. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-05-12/pdf/2016-10168.pdf
  10. Anyone have any recommendations on where to do the Single-Engine CFI add-on? Also for those that have done it, how difficult was the oral and how much did you study for it?
  11. I personally hate the single ear. Cockpit may be below 85 dbs but it still ain't quiet. I'm kinda soft spoken already. I'd love to have a A20 and just talk on interphone the whole time.
  12. Ours is pretty much a 12 hour limit. So if you get the call, you have your 12 hours of "crew rest." If we fly commercial, we should be on leave.
  13. Two of my mil friends just went here and said it was cake. $3,500 total.
  14. Buddy did it with them and said it was a quick 3 day program. Was $3,900. Honestly I'm right in the middle distance wise between them and Action multi(also 3 day program) and Action is $1,200 cheaper.
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