As a guard LTC once told me, their are two types of pilots out there. Ones that have the true passion to do the job and could never see themselves doing anything else. The other types are the ones that thought being a pilot would be cool/something to do. The second type lacks that passion. Now, grant it passion can show up later on to some of those that fall in that category. However, most do not have that happen. If you think flying would just be cool but don't have the passion then go a different route. RPA's are a good venture for you then, grant it they suck to 99% of real pilots that got banished to them. But get that RPA stink on you and use that degree and go get a job with the companies and help them realize these are a POS and fix it. If you come to RPA's that will be one more that will help to get me the hell out of them someday. Like Rainman has said mulitple times that passion is what matters, my passion is still there and I will keep enduring the suck for the pure hope that I will leave the container in order to slip the surely bonds sooner rather than later.
Edit: when it comes to flying passion is everything. All the best pilots will always tell you they had a passion for it not that it just sounded cool.