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Hopefulflyer389 last won the day on February 25 2021

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Flight Lead

Flight Lead (3/4)



  1. Your 10 year commitment doesn’t start until the day you put wings on your chest.
  2. Anybody recently gone through the process of getting their R-ATP? Currently, looking at applying to a regional and getting gouge on the process to get cert.
  3. I’m a reservist that went through this in the past year. My family stayed behind at my UPT base while I was TDY at IFF. I went back to my UPT base, packed up the family and then PCSed to the FTU.
  4. Thanks. I’m switching to an ART position in about 2 months and and Civilian Personnel appears to be useless on the topics; no surprise there.
  5. Where could I find info on the ART bonus?
  6. Thread revival.... looking into doing an aero club at our base and reaching out to see if there was anyone out there that could give some recent guidance on getting one started? Found this website and was going to start reaching out to the aero clubs listed on this website https://www.myairforcelife.com/AeroClubs/WhereToFly.aspx
  7. I’m sure you’ll do better than this guy....
  8. Update on it blowing up and pics?
  9. @Sketch is it possible to have a viper drawn up with a specific squadron on the tail?
  10. 🍺🍺
  11. That’s how I got mine yesterday
  12. That red line makes me walk way too many unnecessary steps
  13. Back in UPT, I had a Reserve IP tell me that there was a deal where AFRC gives you up to 5 years of orders that you can go on and off. I found it after the conversation but now can’t find the info. Anyone know anything about this?
  14. 100% agree on this. This will sound stupid, but take a moment and ask the person your interacting with “how are you doing?” That simple question made things night and day for me. You would hear them be an asshole to the person ahead of you and then their attitude would change when I dealt with them.
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