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  1. Excellent, I yam, looking forward to it.
  2. Selected: September 2016 FC1: November 2016 NGB Approval: May 2017 Dates: June 2017 OTS: September 2017 UPT: February 2018 Columbus Side note: does anyone have gouge on this "qualification course" they're making us take before we go to OTS? I was made aware of it yesterday.
  3. You pay taxes to the state you have listed as your permanent address. Unless you start working full time as a technician. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. But, as an anecdot, I moved from one state to another for the guard in 2012 and I still pay taxes to my original state.
  4. Charleston, SC (reserve) are accepting apps for the C-17. Charlotte, NC will be accepting apps soon for the C-17. You gotta put the leg work in, I don't have any other info than that. Good luck
  5. I have a hard time believing the PCSM is that cosmic of a predictor. The first time I took the TBAS I got a 69 and the second time I got like a 96 and the only reason why was because I knew what was coming... Idk, just my .02
  6. Thank you Do you have any ideas of when you'll be starting? We might end up on the same timeline, but I'm obviously uninformed.
  7. Hey guys, how long did it take to get NGB approval after your package was sent? The way I understand it, my recruiter sends my accession package up to the state HQ. Then, it gets forwarded to the NGB, and from there I get my golden ticket. Any idea for how long that timeline will take? Thanks
  8. Hi, is anyone in the know about the 107 FS hiring process or timeline? I've tried the Google machine and calling the recruiters but got nothing useful. I figured I'd ask around before calling ops. Thanks
  9. no news is good news
  10. Did anyone apply to the Ohio unit?
  11. KC, is English your first language?
  12. Thanks, I remember now they had two deadlines. Has anyone heard back from the Wisconsin unit? Their website says "interview selections complete" by July 17.
  13. Anyone hear back from 122nd FW, Fort Wayne?
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