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  1. $14k in 14 years at 5% return is about $28,000
  2. If you could turn 12 months of your Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits (100%) into a $14,000 check, would you do it? I got hired by a company where I need to get a type rating, and the employer would pay for the type rating. However, I can use my GI Bill benefits for the course and my employer would reimburse me because it reduces the total cost of the type rating because I'm using the GI Bill for it. Is it a waste of benefits? I'd still have about 9 months left over for an MBA someday. The VA website says it's worth about $33k for tuition, and then another $13,500-30k (depending where I'd go to school) of housing allowance for 12 months. My oldest is 4 years old and I have some serious doubts about the availability and transferability 14 years from now. My wife won't be going back to school, and fairly certain I won't ever go to school full time again. Not the most bang for your buck, but cash today is worth more than cash tomorrow, right??
  3. So in PCARS I'm seeing 5 different kinds of points.. AD, IDT, ECI, IDS, and MBR. Which of these counts points count toward the 1460 points required for O1E? In the DOD Financial Management Regulation (p1-12) it looks like all points that count for retirement (ie, all of the them) count toward O1E as well, NOT just AD points. 1. General. Commissioned officers with over 4 years of prior active service as an enlisted member, warrant officer, or combined service in both grades are entitled to count such service for purposes of computing basic pay for longevity purposes. Such prior service includes all active service, in either the Regular or Reserve Component or both (i.e., active duty for training in enlisted or warrant officer status, annual Reserve training duty, and full-time National Guard duty). Service on active duty or active and inactive duty for training for at least 4 years and 1 day satisfy the over 4 years of service requirement under this section. 5. 10 U.S.C. ยง 12732(a)(2) service as a warrant officer and/or enlisted member are entitled to the special rate of basic pay for pay grade O-1E, O-2E, or O-3E. Creditable Service for Certain Reserve Commissioned Officers. Effective January 1, 2002, commissioned officers in pay grades O-1, O-2, and O-3 who are paid from funds appropriated for Reserve personnel and credited with 1,460 points for retirement computed under What do you guys think?
  4. Yeah, that was a big thing for me too when I was looking at them, but I opted for the Guard. If you're lucky you can get an AGR slot and get the normal AD retirement, but that's nothing to bank on.
  5. ANG man (or lady)! Lots of people can either fly as much or as little as they want with the Guard (depending on their airframe/mission). And they say that if you really want to go Active Duty from the Guard, you can. But of course, YMMV.
  6. If you're set on helos look at the Guard/Reserves. I think there's ANG helos in California, Alaska, and New York..Reserve might have them down in Florida.
  7. In OTS, we were only allowed off base in our blues. It was ok to order drinks with our meals, but not go to a bar or order drinks before/after your meal. There were some long meals had...
  8. Google "Fight pilot shortage" and click on any of the first 5 links..
  9. I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but that happened, didn't it..
  10. Are these all based in Florida?
  11. Current enlisted ANG Interviewed/Hired: September 2015 FC1 at Wright Patt: February 2016 TFOT: July 2016 UPT: October 2016
  12. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irony
  13. I thought when applying for AD OTS that you either apply to a rated board or a non-rated board? So to me, I don't understand why you'd put non-rated jobs on your app when you're applying to a rated board...But that was a couple of years ago. Have you tried calling another recruiter to get a second opinion?
  14. This site usually has good stuff. https://www.guardreservejobs.com/newjobboard/ There's also a handful of units that post a topic on this forum when they're hiring. Like the guys above said, it really varies from unit to unit. Some units will only be word of mouth, some units will post on on their unit's website, and some units will post on the above site. Your best bet is still going to be call the units you're interested in and talk to them directly. If they're not hiring, chances are they'll be able to tell you when they will be. Good luck.
  15. Option 3, join the Guard/Reserves. Find a unit with an air frame you want to fly, join the guard when you're 17, get help from them to pay for any college, be enlisted and do your Guard drills all through college, and then apply for a pilot slot with your unit after you get your degree. I know more than a few guys that took this route
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